
sorry for the late answer.
The browser freeze when loggin * at INFO level because the RemoteLogger itslef exploits the internal classes of the Lightstreamer library to send the messages to the server. Doing so it triggers some more INFO log that needs to be sent and thus it starts a loop of messages: too many for the client to be handled.
I'll evaluate what to do to fix the issue, in the meanwhile avoid the use of the RemoteLogger at INFO level and set it to ERROR. Sorry.

As per the categories there is a description here: http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/cl...html#getLogger

Anyway we have open-sourced all the log layer (excluding the RemoteLogger class).
Note that the code in the Lightstreamer library may be currently different and that you probably can't make the current library use this new project, still you can include it alongside the library if it fits your needs.
See https://github.com/Weswit/utility-logging-javascript