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  1. #1

    How to receive notification that belong to each user

    Is there a way of sending unique entries to each user? Basically I don't want all data entry to be sent to all users like stock price scenario. We are using LS as a way of communication with the client rather than mass stream the same content to N endpoint. I noticed that if LS_table is used twice with different # (ie: subscribing twice) would result to same content being sent to the user twice that got me worried about uniqueness of data.

    Is there any demo that does this? Please help me understand if this is actually possible.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    With the methods that are available from MetaDataProvider you can customize the Items, such as associating them with the username or an ID assigned to each user, and then control the flow to each of these items.

    A simplified implementation of that can be found in the Basic Instant Messenger Demo and you can also refer to these and these other threads in the forum.

  3. #3
    Thanks alot. That should get me going.




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