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  1. #1

    DIfferences between colosseo and duomo concerning HelloWorld tuto


    I m trying to get trained on the first HelloWorld and see differences (that i don t understand) with :

    colosseo 5 and duomo 4.1

    Status : Data adapters are the same but front page is not equivalent from JS point of view

    WIth colosseo

    <script language="JavaScript" src =""></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" src ="lightstreamer.js"></script>

    <script> require(["LightstreamerClient", "Subscription", "StaticGrid"], function(LightstreamerClient, Subscription, StaticGrid) { var client = new LightstreamerClient(null, "HELLOWORLD"); client.connect(); var grid = new StaticGrid("hellogrid", true); var subscription = new Subscription("MERGE", grid.extractItemList(), grid.extractFieldList()); subscription.addListener(grid); client.subscribe(subscription); }); </script>

    WIth Duomo

    <script language="JavaScript" src="LS/lscommons.js"></script>
    <script language="JavaScript" src="LS/lspushpage.js"></script><script>
    var page = new PushPage();
    page.onEngineCreation = function(engine) {
    page.createEngine("HelloWorldApp", "LS", "SHARE_SESSION");

    var pushtable = new OverwriteTable(null, null, "MERGE");
    page.addTable(pushtable, "hellotable");

    Can somebody light me on these differences? Because i see 2 ways for the same result

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi juicyfruity,

    you are correct, the same example (HelloWorld) has been implemented using both HTML Client API with Lightstreamer 4.1 Duomo and using
    the new Javascript Client API with Lightstreamer 5.0 Colosseo.

    In fact one of the most relevant changes in version 5 Colosseo compared to 4 Duomo is that a completely redesigned JavaScript
    API is available. The new library is much easier to use, much faster and it is based on AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) and
    RequireJS, the de facto standard for modularization and loading of JS libraries.

    So if you are starting a new project it is crucial that it rely on Lightsreamer 5 with the new JavaScript Client library
    (you can overlook the old 4.1 version).

    Please refer here for a fully description of all the new features of Lightstreamer 5.0 Colosseo.




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