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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    San Francisco

    Using page as a link target

    The Web Client JS documentation states:

    "If a page is a Master Push-Page or contains a Master Push-Page, then it cannot be used as a link target or referred to in a "" command, because, even in case the link is meant to preserve the page (i.e. to access it without replacing it, as in "myPage.html#position") this would cause some browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) to stop the Push-frame connection."

    Is this still true? Does this mean that the master page itself can't change its own hash string (e.g. by linking to #position, or setting window.location.hash)? I've tried it in Safari 3, IE8, and FF3, and it doesn't seem to affect the connection, but maybe there are some cases where it does.

    If it is true, at least on some browsers, does anyone have any suggestions on working around this? My page will be open for a long time, and I'd like to be able to use the hash string to manage the browser's history and make pages bookmarkable. This is done in several JavaScript libraries, like YUI.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Admittedly, we have not been keeping a list of the browsers affected by this behavior.
    The fact it was true for a widespread version of Internet Explorer was enough for considering it as a limitation on the library use.
    I confirm that the documented behavior occurs on Internet Explorer until version 6,
    while it disappears on version 7.

    By the way, we will evaluate if the limitation statement can, nowadays, be removed; thank you for the notice.
    You may also consider the IE6 case as not important.



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