If the modules are all part of the same page, they can share a pointer to the LightstreamerClient object and each one can use the same object to add its subscription requests, together with its listeners.
But there is no lookup method by which a module can see if there is already a LightstreamerClient object in the page. This should be implemented at application level.

On the other hand, the current Javascript SDK library provides a mechanism to share a single connection among multiple LightstreamerClient objects.
In this way, each module can create a local object, then issue enableSharing before connect(). The only common information needed between the modules is a "share name". Then Lightstreamer will try to serve all LightstreamerClient objects with the same share name with a single underlying connection. If the modules are all part of the same page, this is always possible.
The drawback of this feature is that it will not be kept in future upgrades of the SDK.

We hope that the above is in the direction of your requirements. If yes, we can expand. Otherwise, please clarify.