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  1. #1

    LightStreamer and Nagios

    So, I'm aware the lightstreamer has a monitoring dashboard, which is very cool, but it isn't very practical unless you have somebody who is sitting there watching it. Is there any way to get that same information from the cli of the server so it could be passed on to nagios? (and generate alerts if necessary?)

    I see: Sessions, Connections, Devices, data rates, JVM Memory Heap, and JVM Threads. If I knew the commands to get this information from the cli, writing the nagios plugin would be easy.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi beeg98,

    Please note that the "Monitoring Dashboard" is the factory HTML client that shows statistics provided by the internal Monitor Adapter. Please refer to section 4.2.1 "An Internal Data Adapter: The Monitoring Data Adapter" of General Concepts documentation for further details.
    That said, you can consume this information in other modes. The most suitable for integration with third-party monitoring systems are:

    1. LightstreamerMonitorText and LightstreamerMonitorTAB loggers. LightstreamerMonitorText logs statistics with a human-readable syntax and LightstreamerMonitorTAB logs with a CSV syntax. The frequency of the samples produced by the internal monitoring system is based on the level specified for each logger; in particular:
      • at TRACE level, all samples are logged (suggested);
      • at DEBUG level, one sample out of 10 is logged;
      • at INFO level, one sample out of 60 is logged;
      • at a higher level, no log is produced.

      This is indicated for historical analyzes, for example you could redirect the LightstreamerMonitorTAB logger to a dedicated daily-rolling file.

    2. JMX API interface (optional feature) - Exposes the most complete set of information and can be consulted via a specific tab in "Monitoring Dashboard". But was designed primarily to be integrated with custom or 3rd party monitoring systems (JMXMP or RMI protocol). Please refer to:

    Please let us know if you need any further clarifications.


  3. #3
    Giuseppe, thanks for detailed responce

  4. #4
    Can you please tell me how to effectively generate a report in csv?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi TerryWhite,

    You need to leverage the LightstreamerMonitorTAB logger (present in the LS_HOME/conf/lightstreamer_log_conf.xml configuration file) and change the level to one of INFO, DEBUG or TRACE:

    <logger name="LightstreamerMonitorTAB" level="TRACE">
        <appender-ref ref="LSDailyRolling" />
    With factory configuration the csv Monitor lines are printed in the common server log file, lightstreamer.log.
    If you want to generate a specific file with only the Monitor information you have to create a custom file appender and replace the LSDailyRolling.

    Please let me know if you need any further clarifications.


  6. #6
    Thank you so much, everything is very clear!!!

  7. #7
    Really struggled in fixing my end!
    This is quite helpful!
    Last edited by CharlotteHoffman; December 3rd, 2021 at 07:13 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlotteHoffman View Post
    Really struggled in fixing my end!
    This is quite helpful!
    Did you also have problems with the csv report?



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