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  1. #1
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Accessing LS server from https domains

    I have running my LS server and adapter in one of my windows server and using this in my domain by IP. Like IP:8080 this is working fine when I use this same in my non https domains.

    But when I use this IP:8080 in https(SSL enabled) domains it's causing issue and showing error in session connection.

    And also now I need to same LS server and Adapter need to server both secure and non secure domain, Please help me in this is this possible to use same LS in both secure and non secure domain.

    And please help me to connect LS server from HTTPS domains.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Yes, I confirm that the same Lightstreamer server can support both secure and not secure connections.
    You need to configure a (or more) <http_server> section and a (or more) <https_server> section in the lightstreamer_conf.xml configuration file.
    Please pass through all the parameters in the <https_server> section and their description for guidance on how to properly set up the server to accept secure connections.
    In particular, for the creation and uploading of the TLS certificate you can refer to this document:

    But please be aware that HTTPS is an optional feature not available in the COMMUNITY edition. You need a proper license for ENTERPRISE edition with the TLS support activated.


  3. #3
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Okay is there any other way to connect cpanel SSL certified sites with community edition LS server

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    You could also consider TLS/SSL off-loading; ie. a sw/hw module in front of the Lightstreamer server that off-loads the encryption/decryption operations and then uses plain HTTP to communicate with the Lightstreamer Server.
    For example if your Lightstreamer server is deployed in a cloud infrastructure, most of them offer such resources.


  5. #5
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Is this possible to update some sample code to connect LS from https domains. I have checked TLS/SSL off-loading but I couldn't understand and update that. If you update some code it will be too helpful to us to completed this work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Our javascript client samples connect to the Server by using, as the protocol, the same as "document.location.protocol".
    Hence, if a page is loaded via "http", it will connect to the Server via "http", whereas if it is loaded via "https" it will connect to the Server via "https".
    There is no alternative to this, because, if you mix the protocols, the browser will prevent the page from reading the Server answer. Hence no working sample code can be devised in this case.

    To resume, if your page is loaded via https, it can only connect to a Server via https (even though the domain can be different).
    So, you have two options:
    • Configure the Server to accept https requests.
      In this case, you need to own a domain and to acquire certificate. You also need a license for Lighstreamer Enterprise edition.
    • Configure the Server to accept http requests and place a TLS/SSL offloader in the middle.
      In this case, you can use Lightstreamer Community edition. Moreover, you don't need to own a domain, as long as you have access to an offloader through some cloud service (perhaps the same that hosts your pages).

    You can find details on these architectures in our Clustering document.

    We cannot suggest you how to proceed because we don't know what you have available.



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