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  1. #21
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I need some help how to write code for COMMAND mode subscription in Angular components. I have implemented MERGE subscription it's working fine. There is no issue on Angular service and components. Only issue on COMMAND mode subscription.

  2. #22



    You should install the listener onItemUpdate on your subscription object and then update, add or remove rows of your table component according to the values of the fields key and command.

    For example,

        onItemUpdate: function(update) {
            var cmd = update.getValue('command');
            var key = update.getValue('key');
            switch (cmd) {
            case 'UPDATE':
                // update row identified by key
                update.forEachChangedField(function(name, pos, value) {
                    // update field of the row
            case 'ADD':
                // add a new row identified by key
            case 'DELETE':
                // delete the row identified by key
    In the snippets above, you should replace the comments with Angular code.
    Unfortunately we are not Angular experts, so we cannot help with this last point, which depends on the specific Angular widgets you want to use.
    Last edited by Alessandro Carioni; July 16th, 2020 at 08:21 AM.

  3. #23
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Is there a way subscription update after dynamically binding rows using MERGE subscription. For example I have 4 rows of data to show the stock market rate, admin having option to change the given set of data-item on that time ajax method used to update the table and dynamically recreate the subscribed items. Now I need to update subscription after alter the table row using ajax. Is this possible?

  4. #24
    I’m sorry, but it is not possible to change the items bound to a Subscription object while the subscription is active.
    You should unsubscribe from the old items and subscribes to the new ones.

  5. #25
    Hi, is lightstreamer-client-web or lightstreamer-client applicable for angular 10 and it's Ivy renderer?

    Thanks in advance

  6. #26

    Lightstreamer Web Client library is compatible with any version of Angular.
    You can download it from here.

    Quote Originally Posted by kate View Post
    Hi, is lightstreamer-client-web or lightstreamer-client applicable for angular 10 and it's Ivy renderer?

    Thanks in advance

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Alessandro Carioni View Post

    Lightstreamer Web Client library is compatible with any version of Angular.
    You can download it from here.
    What about deprecated lightstreamer-client library?

  8. #28
    For new developments we recommend to use the package lightstreamer-client-web because it contains a lot of improvements and bugfixes.
    The other package lightstreamer-client is for users who have to maintain legacy code.
    You can find a detailed changelog with all the differences between lightstreamer-client-web (which encompasses versions 8.x or above) and lightstreamer-client (which encompasses versions 7.x or below) here.



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