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  1. #21
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hi Antonio,

    please have a look here.

    Our recommendation is to specify all VM Arguments, in order to avoid any issue you may have with class loading.

    Thanks and Regards,

  2. #22
    I have created grouped adapters in eclipse and when trying to deploy adapters getting "No plugin found for prefix 'adapter' Imran Khan in the current project".Nawaz Sharif Is there any option in eclispe to deploy all adapters. If so could you please share steps how to deploy multiple adapters using eclipse IDE instead of CLI.
    Last edited by micro123456; February 6th, 2019 at 11:02 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    The instruction provided in the original post by Gianluca should work also in your case, when multiple adapters are involved.
    Please consider that point 3., "Develop the custom Adapter Set", actually provides the possibility of developing many adapters, to be precise, each Adapter Set can contain only one Metadata Adapter but many Data Adapters.

    Please could you explain better what you mean by " grouped adapters"? Could you also a little expand an the steps you followed?


  4. #24
    Although I have had my adaptors and eclipse and lightstreamer all working previously on my Desktop I have moved everything ( via Mercurial ) to a laptop so I can take advantage of some rare UK sunshine.

    For the life of me I can't get Lightstreamer to run up under Eclipse. I keep getting

    Error reading logging configuration file conf\lightstreamer_log_conf.xml:java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.lightstreamer.init.c.a(
        at com.lightstreamer.a.e.d.a(
        at com.lightstreamer.f.b.a(
        at com.lightstreamer.f.b.a(
        at com.lightstreamer.f.a.a(
        at com.lightstreamer.LS.main(
    Unable to load settings for logging system.
    Startup failed.
    The file is there and seems to work outside eclipse

    everything appears to be set correctly and LS runs just fine when run from the batch file in the Windows directory outside eclipse.

    Tearing my hair out ( Don't want to go back inside the office! )
    Last edited by nimbusgb; July 5th, 2019 at 09:01 AM.

  5. #25
    A re-install in a different directory and the problem has moved a little

    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,027 <DEBUG> Monitoring system started05.Jul.19 16:31:44,027 <DEBUG> Initializing answering system...
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,028 < INFO> SERVER pool size set by default at 1000.
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,036 <DEBUG> Initializing SERVER thread pool; max size = 1000; initial size = 10
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,087 < WARN> THE MONITORING DASHBOARD IS NOT PASSWORD PROTECTED. Remember to protect it in production! For more details, see PRODUCTION_SECURITY_NOTES.TXT.
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,096 < INFO> Pump pool size set by default at 8.
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,096 <DEBUG> Initializing PUMP thread pool; max size = 8; initial size = 8
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,104 <DEBUG> Answering system started
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,104 <DEBUG> Initializing MPN Module...
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,107 <DEBUG> Found com.lightstreamer.database_lib_path as C:\GMSls/lib/mpn/hibernate/*;C:\GMSls/lib/lightstreamer.jarC:\GMSls
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,107 <DEBUG> Found paths: C:\GMSls/lib/mpn/hibernate/*
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,107 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\activation-1.1.1.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,107 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\antlr-2.7.7.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,107 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\c3p0-
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\classmate-1.3.4.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\dom4j-1.6.1.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\hibernate-c3p0-5.1.10.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\hibernate-commons-annotations-5.0.1.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\hibernate-core-5.1.10.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,108 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\jandex-2.0.3.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\javassist-3.23.1-GA.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\jaxb-api-2.3.0.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\jaxb-core-
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\jaxb-impl-
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,109 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.25.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,110 <DEBUG> Found jar: C:\GMSls\lib\mpn\hibernate\mchange-commons-java-0.2.12.jar
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,110 <DEBUG> Found path: C:\GMSls/lib/lightstreamer.jarC:\GMSls
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,118 <ERROR> Can't find database management class.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.lightstreamer.c.e.e
    	at Source)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    	at Source)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    	at com.lightstreamer.init.c.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.c.b.a.<init>(
    	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    	at com.lightstreamer.i.f.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.i.f.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.i.f.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.c.m.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.i.q.i(
    	at com.lightstreamer.i.q.<init>(
    	at com.lightstreamer.f.a.a(
    	at com.lightstreamer.LS.main(
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,119 <ERROR> Error in MPN Module initialization: Database management class not supplied.
    05.Jul.19 16:31:44,119 <FATAL> MPN Module initialization error.
    Ever get the feeling that you are in a portal from hell?

  6. #26
    It would appear that this lot does not play well with Eclipse EE edition. Switched to the plain java version and all my challenges went away.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Hi, Thank you for the report.
    It seems as though that environment caused getClassLoader to return null for some classes belonging to Lightstreamer.
    BTW, have you managed to put the "ls-bootstrap.jar" library in the boot classloader? It is supposed to be in the system classloader.
    Anyway, we can put a workaround and prevent the exception, but we cannot ensure the correct loading of classes in this scenario.



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