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  1. #1

    snapshot retrieval


    Is there a way to re-initiate the snapshot call.

    My clients need some provision to get the latest data through snapshot retrieval, there are scenarios where are hot updates are down. so we require some workaround to pull the latest data via snapshot call.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi rajesh,

    Your scenario is not entirely clear to me, a client with an active subscription for an Item should be perfectly up-to-date with the latest information, and any forcing of snapshot should not add anything new.

    In any case the client could: close and reopen the subscription, or leave the old subscription open, execute a new subscription request with the same parameters, receive the snapshot and soon after the EOS close it.


  3. #3
    Hi Guiseppe,

    Sorry for the delayed reply.

    My scenario is if dynamic updates are down , i want my clients to force the server to initiate a backend call to get live data feed.

    Can you please help me understand your below lines, if the client execute new subscription how server can react to it. The client A is subscribed , the new subscription by client B never reaches data adapter - onSubscription method. how can we provide EOS ?

    In any case the client could: close and reopen the subscription, or leave the old subscription open, execute a new subscription request with the same parameters, receive the snapshot and soon after the EOS close it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Rajesh,

    Sorry, I did not understand your case.
    In my answers I assumed that for the client was enough to receive the snapshot maintained by the Lightstreamer server without need to involve the adapters and the back-end.

    But, actually, it is not entirely clear to me why should be the client to notice the problem with the real-time feed and not the data adapter itself, which could take immediate measures.
    In any case the proper way for a client to comunicate with the Adapters is the sendMessage that will be received by your Metadata Adapter.




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