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  1. #1

    Question - OnUpdate - how to 'listen' to the data stream?

    Hi all,

    Hoping someone can point me in the right direction as I'm going round in circles with this now. I'm trying to write a client - I can connect to the server, I can subscribe to a table, but I cannot for the life of me work out how to trigger something when one of the subscribed items changes. The code I've got so far is below;

    Dim lsClient = New Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.LSClient
    Dim lsClientConn = New Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ConnectionInfo
    Dim lsClientListenHandy As Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.IHandyTableListener = Nothing


    lsClient.OpenConnection(lsClientConn, lsClientListenHandy)

    'fields, group, items, schema

    Dim arritems() = {"item1", "item2", "item3", "item4", "item5", "item6", "item7", "item8", "item9", "item10", "item11", "item12", "item13", "item14", "item15"}
    Dim arrFields() = {"last_price", "time", "pct_change", "bid_quantity", "bid", "ask", "ask_quantity", "min", "max", "ref_price", "open_price", "stock_name", "item_status"}

    Dim lsExtendedTable = New Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.ExtendedTableInfo(arri tems, "MERGE", arrFields, 0)
    lsExtendedTable.DataAdapter = "QUOTE_ADAPTER"
    lsClient.SubscribeTable(lsExtendedTable, lsClientListenHandy, True)

    And I also have a class declared for the lsClientListenHandy, which I thought was the key but I'm clearly missing something.

    Public Class Listen
    Implements IHandyTableListener
    Public Shared sResult As String
    Sub OnUpdate(itemPos As Integer, itemName As String, update As Lightstreamer.DotNet.Client.IUpdateInfo) Implements IHandyTableListener.OnUpdate
    sResult = update.ItemPos.ToString & " - " & update.ToString

    Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnSnapshotEnd(itemPos As Integer, itemName As String) Implements IHandyTableListener.OnSnapshotEnd
    Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnRawUpdatesLost(itemPos As Integer, itemName As String, lostUpdates As Integer) Implements IHandyTableListener.OnRawUpdatesLost
    Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnUnsubscr(itemPos As Integer, itemName As String) Implements IHandyTableListener.OnUnsubscr
    Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnUnsubscrAll() Implements IHandyTableListener.OnUnsubscrAll
    Throw New NotImplementedException()
    End Sub
    End Class

    What am I missing to get the OnUpdate to do anything in code? (I've got a test lightstreamer server set up and I can see it sending updates in the dashboard.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi lcmtech,

    First of all, we should be sure that the subscription is managed by the server properly.
    Please could you check the server log (lightstreamer.log) for any error or warn message?
    You can also attach a snippet of the log here.


  3. #3
    Hi Giuseppe,

    Thanks for the response. Logs from a connection attempt are as follows - looks ok to my untrained eye. The connection closed message is when I stop the program from running.

    7-Apr-18 16:20:45,907|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 4 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/create_session.txt --> LS_op2=create&LS_cid=jqWtj1tg4pkpW37AL3O4hwLri8L4N Cc&LS_adapter_set=FULLPORTFOLIODEMO&LS_content_len gth=50000000&LS_report_info=true on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:20:45,912|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 4 |Starting new session: S3e20a41e5537260fM8fcT2045911 (dotnet_client 2.1.2 build 1015) on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:20:45,945|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 4 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=S3e20a41e5537260fM8fcT2045911&LS_op=add &LS_table=1&LS_id=item1%20item2%20item3%20item4%20 item5%20item6%20item7%20item8%20item9%20item10%20i tem11%20item12%20item13%20item14%20item15&LS_mode= MERGE&LS_schema=last_price%20time%20pct_change%20b id_quantity%20bid%20ask%20ask_quantity%20min%20max %20ref_price%20open_price%20stock_name%20item_stat us&LS_data_adapter=QUOTE_ADAPTER on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:20:45,945|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 4 |Controlling session: S3e20a41e5537260fM8fcT2045911 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:21:06,426|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 69170296), Sessions = 3 (max = 3), New sessions = [+1, -0], Connections = 4 (max = 9), New connections = [+2, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 20 (for 27 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 5), Outbound throughput = 5.49 updates/s (4.89 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 382064, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:21:08,375|INFO |L.requests |PUMP POOLED THREAD 1 |Closed session S3e20a41e5537260fM8fcT2045911 with internal cause code: 38/5 (Connection interrupted by client).
    07-Apr-18 16:23:06,871|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 61512656), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -1], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -2], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 0.99 updates/s (0.94 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 389584, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:25:07,295|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 54038512), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 0.99 updates/s (0.95 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 396456, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:27:07,823|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 67, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 72987440), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 1 updates/s (0.87 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 403546, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:29:08,190|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 65416824), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 1 updates/s (0.9 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 410522, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:31:08,654|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 58006488), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 1 updates/s (0.83 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 417384, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:33:09,247|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 76763808), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.49 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.49), Outbound throughput = 0.99 updates/s (0.94 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 424446, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:35:09,592|INFO |streamerMonitorText|Timer-0 |Total threads = 66, Total heap = 95617024 (free = 69219088), Sessions = 2 (max = 3), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 2 (max = 9), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 22, Active threads = 0, Available threads = 22, Queued tasks = 0, Pool queue wait = 0, NIO write queue = 0, NIO write queue wait = 0, NIO write selectors = 1, NIO total selectors = 4, Subscribed items = 5 (for 12 subscriptions), Inbound throughput = 0.5 updates/s (pre-filtered = 0.5), Outbound throughput = 1 updates/s (0.79 kbit/s, max = 9.15), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 431280, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 0, Notify delay = 0
    07-Apr-18 16:36:05,305|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/create_session.txt --> LS_op2=create&LS_cid=jqWtj1tg4pkpW37AL3O4hwLri8L4N Cc&LS_adapter_set=FULLPORTFOLIODEMO&LS_content_len gth=50000000&LS_report_info=true on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:36:05,306|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |Starting new session: S7a6355c76c631370M8fcT3605306 (dotnet_client 2.1.2 build 1015) on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:36:30,048|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=S7a6355c76c631370M8fcT3605306&LS_op=add &LS_table=1&LS_id=item1%20item2%20item3%20item4%20 item5%20item6%20item7%20item8%20item9%20item10%20i tem11%20item12%20item13%20item14%20item15&LS_mode= MERGE&LS_schema=last_price%20time%20pct_change%20b id_quantity%20bid%20ask%20ask_quantity%20min%20max %20ref_price%20open_price%20stock_name%20item_stat us&LS_data_adapter=QUOTE_ADAPTER on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:36:30,049|INFO |L.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |Controlling session: S7a6355c76c631370M8fcT3605306 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
    07-Apr-18 16:37:00,217|INFO |L.requests |PUMP POOLED THREAD 1 |Closed session S7a6355c76c631370M8fcT3605306 with internal cause code: 38/5 (Connection interrupted by client).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi lcmtech,

    From the server log it seems that the create session and subscribe requests were processed properly by the server.
    Also from the 16:21:06 MonitorText log line it seems confirmed that the server were actually pushing some updates to the clients, the "Outbound throughput" figure is higher than normal values after the session closes.

    So there are no reasons why the OnUpdate method of your client should not be called.

    Please could you simply add this in your OnUpdate method (and I think that you could also remove the NotImplementedException)?

    Console.WriteLine("New " + itemName & ":" & update.GetNewValue("last_price"))

    And also jsut to have the finest details in the server log could you add these log settings (lightstreamer_log_conf.xml)?

    <logger name="LightstreamerMonitorText" level="TRACE">
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.pump" level="DEBUG"/>

    This is something working for me:


  5. #5
    Hi Guiseppe,

    Thank you for the response, that was incredibly useful! Made me realise I'd missed out the 'New' keyword in my subscription call, which was causing it not to update (line 10 in your first block of code). It's working superbly now.

    Much appreciated!




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