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  1. #1

    Unable to connect via Windows command prompt

    I am trying to run the JavaSE Quickstart client via Windows command prompt with no success. I am not seeing any messages from the connect() so I suspect it is not reaching the server (localhost). When I run using the supplied Maven command, it runs as expected. I traced the pom.xml and downloaded the netty jars listed. To be clear, the code from git hub is complete, I think Maven is accessing something behind the scenes that I am not replicating in my manual execution.

    For my purposes, a prospective implementation would be messaging between two internal Java programs behind the firewall so reliance on a Maven command that requires contact with an external repository is not ideal and browser options are not applicable. I would like a full understanding of this process but documentation is sparse or I am not looking in the right place.

    I looked through all the pages in this forum (at 35 pages, a practice in patience) and did not see a similar question. Apparently, I am missing something obvious.

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    You have basically three way to use a Maven project.

    1) You can import the Maven project into your IDE.

    2) You can download the dependencies and store them where you have the other libraries of your application.
    In Maven you can download the jars with the following command:
    mvn install dependency:copy-dependencies
    The jars are in the target/dependency directory.

    3) You can build a fat-jar, i.e. a single jar containing all the dependencies needed by the application.
    To build a fat-jar you must add the following code to the <plugins> section of pom.xml:


    Then issue the command:
    mvn package

    The command creates in target directory a file with name example-Quickstart-client-java-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
    To run the application, then issue the command:
    java -cp example-Quickstart-client-java-2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar quickstart.Main chat



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