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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh

    Exclamation Get <WARN> message: Reply too late.

    I write my own .NET Adapter, when my client subscribe 100 item I get message: Reply too late for item....

    I don't know why this message is raised, Who can help me?.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Some Metadata Adapter or Data Adapter methods (as the "subscribe" method) should be implemented as fast, nonblocking operations. When you use a Remote Adapter, the Proxy Adapters forces a hardwired timeout of 10 seconds. If a request for the Remote Adapter gets no answer after that timeout, the Proxy Adapter considers the method call as failed (and when the answer eventually comes, the reported warning is issued).
    10 seconds seemed to be quite a long time, considering that no significant network delay is expected for communications on the server side.

    You could collect more information on which requests get their answers late by extending the Proxy Adapter log. The log configuration for the Proxy Adapter is hosted by the Server configuration file, conf\lightstreamer_log_conf.xml. Please set as DEBUG the priority for the "com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote" logger and let's see what happens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh
    I will try agian, Thanks for yours supports.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh

    I get message error, Please help me

    I get Error Detail. What solution you can help me.

    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,062|ERROR| er|Timer-2 |Exception caught while subscribing to item 'item89'
    com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.RemotingExceptio n: Timeout while waiting for an answer to request 10e0000011ae80eb4af
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.Re questSender$
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,062 |ERROR||Timer-2 |Exception caught while subscribing to item 'item87'
    com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.RemotingExceptio n: Timeout while waiting for an answer to request 10c0000011ae80eb4af
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.Re questSender$
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,062 |ERROR||Timer-2 |Exception caught while subscribing to item 'item85'
    com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.RemotingExceptio n: Timeout while waiting for an answer to request 10a0000011ae80eb4af
    at com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote.request_reply.Re questSender$
    at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,078 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f40000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,109 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f50000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,125 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f60000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,843 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f70000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,906 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f80000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,921 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request f90000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,937 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request fa0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,968 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request fb0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,984 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request fc0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:46,984 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request fd0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,031 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request fe0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,312 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request ff0000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,312 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1000000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,484 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1010000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,515 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1020000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,640 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1040000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,640 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1030000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,656 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1050000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,703 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1060000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:47,734 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1070000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:48,640 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1080000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:48,640 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 1090000011ae80eb4af received too late
    03-Jul-08 15:45:48,640 |WARN |emote.request_reply.RequestSender|#2 Reply Receiver |Reply to request 10a0000011ae80eb4af received too late

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I see that a lot of subscription requests are involved.
    By looking at request 10a0000011ae80eb4af, the log shows that the answer comes 2.5 seconds after the timeout has expired. A look at the log above this snippet, at around 15:45:36, should confirm that request 10a0000011ae80eb4af was issued at that time, hence the Remote Adapter has taken as many as 12.5 seconds to fulfill it.

    Do you think it's possible that all this time is spent in the "subscribe" method of your Remote Adapter?
    If this is possible, then you should rewrite the "subscribe" code in order to return immediately and perform all the subscription stuff in an asynchronous way. See useful remarks on the subscribe documentation for the java case.
    Unfortunately, this might complicate the Adapter very much, because, after you return from "subscribe", you may get an "unsubscribe" call at any time and your asynchronous subscription stuff may not have finished yet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh
    May be possible to this time is spent in "subscribe" method of my Remote Adapter. because when I subscribe about 20 - 30 item, It OK. but if I subscribe more 40 or 50 item I get this warning.
    Each item I create one thread to reply data.
    My code for Remote Adapter, just edit your stockdemo:

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Threading;

    using Lightstreamer.Interfaces.Data;
    using Lightstreamer.Adapters.Data.HaSTC;

    namespace Lightstreamer.Adapters.Data
    public interface IExternalFeedListener
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="itemName"></param>
    /// <param name="currentValues"></param>
    /// <param name="isSnapshot"></param>
    void OnEvent(string itemName, IDictionary currentValues, bool isSnapshot);
    public class StocksAdapter:IDataProvider, IExternalFeedListener
    private IItemEventListener _listener;
    private IDictionary _subscribedItems;
    private FileDataFeeder _myfeeder;

    public StocksAdapter()
    _subscribedItems = new Hashtable();
    _myfeeder = new FileDataFeeder(@"\\\BroadcastServiceXm l2");

    //-------------IDataProvider Install-----------------
    public void Init(IDictionary parameters, string configFile)
    public void SetListener(IItemEventListener listener)
    _listener = listener;
    public void Subscribe(string itemName)
    if (!itemName.StartsWith("item"))
    throw new SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName);
    lock (_subscribedItems)
    if (_subscribedItems.Contains(itemName)) return;
    _subscribedItems[itemName] = false;

    //SubscribeStockInfo sub = new SubscribeStockInfo(itemName,null);

    public void Unsubscribe(string itemName)
    if (!itemName.StartsWith("item"))
    throw new SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName);

    lock (_subscribedItems)
    public bool IsSnapshotAvailable(string itemName)
    if (!itemName.StartsWith("item"))
    throw new SubscriptionException("Unexpected item: " + itemName);
    return true;

    //--------IExternalFeedListener Install----

    public void OnEvent(string itemName,
    IDictionary currentValues,
    bool isSnapshot)
    lock (_subscribedItems)
    if (!_subscribedItems.Contains(itemName)) return;

    bool started = (bool)_subscribedItems[itemName];
    if (!started)
    if (!isSnapshot)
    _subscribedItems[itemName] = true;
    if (isSnapshot)
    isSnapshot = false;
    _listener.Update(itemName, currentValues, isSnapshot);

    And My FileDataFeeder class

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading;

    namespace Lightstreamer.Adapters.Data.HaSTC
    class FileDataFeeder
    private IExternalFeedListener _listener;
    private FileSystemWatcher watcher;
    private Thread _thdListen;
    private StockInfoColection _stockCollection;
    private TopPriceCollection _topPriceCollection;
    private MarketInfo _marketInfo;
    private IDictionary _stockGenerators;
    private IList _snapshotQueue;
    private string _destDrirectory = "HaSTC";

    public FileDataFeeder(string directory)
    watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(directory,"*.XML");
    watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.LastAccess;
    watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnFileChanged);

    _stockGenerators = new Hashtable();
    _snapshotQueue = new ArrayList();

    _stockCollection = new StockInfoColection();
    _topPriceCollection = new TopPriceCollection();
    _marketInfo = new MarketInfo();
    /// <summary>
    /// Set event listener for data feeder.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="eventListener"></param>
    public void setFeederListener(IExternalFeedListener eventListener)
    _listener = eventListener;
    foreach (SubscribeStockInfo subscribe in _stockGenerators.Values)
    /// <summary>
    /// Changed event of file watcher
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    private void OnFileChanged(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
    switch (e.Name)
    case "STS_StocksInfo.XML":
    //File.Copy(e.FullPath, _destDrirectory+@"\"+e.Name,true );
    foreach(SubscribeStockInfo _info in _stockGenerators.Values)
    //if (_info.ItemName == "item1")
    // Console.WriteLine("Data Feeder ACB MatchPrice:{0}",_info.Stock.MatchPrice);
    if (_info.ItemName != "item0")

    for (int j = 0; j < _stockCollection.Stocks.Count; j++)
    StockInfo sinfo = (StockInfo)_stockCollection.Stocks[j];
    if (_info.Stock.StockNo == sinfo.StockNo)
    _info.Stock = sinfo;
    case "STS_TOP3_PRICE_A.XML":
    //File.Copy(e.FullPath, _destDrirectory + @"\" + e.Name, true);
    foreach (SubscribeStockInfo _info in _stockGenerators.Values)
    if (_info.ItemName != "item0")
    _info.Topprice = _info.Stock.GetTopPrice(_topPriceCollection);
    case "STS_MarketInfo.XML":
    //File.Copy(e.FullPath, _destDrirectory + @"\" + e.Name, true);
    foreach (SubscribeStockInfo _info in _stockGenerators.Values)
    if (_info.ItemName == "item0")
    _info.Marketinfo = _marketInfo;
    /// <summary>
    /// Start watcher file system
    /// </summary>
    public void WatcherStart()
    if (!watcher.EnableRaisingEvents)
    watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Start thread listen a new client
    /// </summary>
    public void Start()
    _stockCollection.ReadData(watcher.Path + @"\STS_StocksInfo.XML");
    _topPriceCollection.ReadData(watcher.Path + @"\STS_TOP3_PRICE_A.XML");
    _marketInfo.ReadData(watcher.Path + @"\STS_MarketInfo.XML");
    if (_thdListen != null) return;

    StockInfo mstock = (StockInfo)_stockCollection.Stocks[0];
    SubscribeStockInfo _market = new SubscribeStockInfo("item0", new StockInfo(), new TopPriceInfo() , _marketInfo);
    _stockGenerators["item0"] = _market;

    for(int i=0; i < _stockCollection.Stocks.Count; i++)
    string itemName = "item"+(i+1);
    StockInfo stock = (StockInfo)_stockCollection.Stocks[i];
    SubscribeStockInfo _subscibeinfo = new SubscribeStockInfo(itemName,stock ,stock.GetTopPrice(_topPriceCollection), _marketInfo);
    _stockGenerators[itemName] = _subscibeinfo;
    _thdListen = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));

    private void Run()
    IList snapshots = new ArrayList();
    lock (_snapshotQueue)
    if (_snapshotQueue.Count == 0)
    while (_snapshotQueue.Count > 0)
    SubscribeStockInfo mysubscribe = (SubscribeStockInfo)_snapshotQueue[0];
    foreach(SubscribeStockInfo _subscride in snapshots)
    _listener.OnEvent(_subscride.ItemName, _subscride.getCurrentValue(true), true);
    } while (true);

    /// <summary>
    /// Forces sending an event with a full snapshot for a stock.
    /// </summary>
    public void SendCurrentValues(string itemName)
    SubscribeStockInfo myProducer = (SubscribeStockInfo)_stockGenerators[itemName];
    if (myProducer == null) return;

    lock (_snapshotQueue)

    and SubscribeStockInfo class.
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Threading;

    namespace Lightstreamer.Adapters.Data.HaSTC
    class SubscribeStockInfo

    private string _itemName;
    private StockInfo _stock;
    private TopPriceInfo _topprice;
    private MarketInfo _marketinfo;
    private Thread _thd;
    private IExternalFeedListener _listener;

    public string ItemName
    get { return _itemName; }
    public StockInfo Stock
    get { return _stock; }
    set { _stock = value; }
    public TopPriceInfo Topprice
    get { return _topprice; }
    set { _topprice = value; }
    public MarketInfo Marketinfo
    get { return _marketinfo; }
    set { _marketinfo = value; }
    public SubscribeStockInfo(string itemname)
    _itemName = itemname;
    public SubscribeStockInfo(string itemname, StockInfo info, TopPriceInfo topprice, MarketInfo market)
    _itemName = itemname;
    _stock = info;
    _topprice = topprice;
    _marketinfo = market;

    public void Start()
    lock (this)
    if (_thd != null) return;
    _thd = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run));
    public void setListener(IExternalFeedListener eventListener)
    _listener = eventListener;
    private void Run()
    //get new value from watcher
    if (_listener != null)
    _listener.OnEvent(_itemName, getCurrentValue(false), false);
    } while (true);
    public IDictionary getCurrentValue(bool isFull)
    lock (this)
    IDictionary eventItem = new Hashtable();
    Random rnd = new Random();
    if (_itemName.Equals("item0"))
    eventItem["symbol"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["ref_price"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["flr_price"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["ceil_price"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["room"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["foreign_buy"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["foreign_sell"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["highest"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["lowest"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["everage"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["total_volume"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    eventItem["match_volume"] = rnd.Next(100).ToString();
    return eventItem;

    eventItem["symbol"] = "A";// _stock.Symbol;
    AddPriceField("ref_price",rnd.Next(100) , eventItem);
    AddPriceField("flr_price", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("ceil_price", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("room", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("foreign_buy", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("foreign_sell", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("highest", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("lowest", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("everage", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("total_volume", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("match_volume", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("match_price", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("changed", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("bid3", rnd.Next(1000), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol3", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("bid2", rnd.Next(1000), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol2", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("bid1", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol1", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("off1", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol1", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("off2", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol2", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddPriceField("off3", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol3", rnd.Next(100), eventItem);
    return eventItem;

    public IDictionary getCurrentValue_backup(bool isFull)
    lock (this)
    IDictionary eventItem = new Hashtable();
    if (_itemName.Equals("item0"))
    eventItem["symbol"] = _marketinfo.Index.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["ref_price"] = _marketinfo.Changed.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["flr_price"] = _marketinfo.Pct_Changed.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["ceil_price"] = _marketinfo.Total_Volume.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["room"] = _marketinfo.Total_Value.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["foreign_buy"] = _marketinfo.TradingDate.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["foreign_sell"] = _marketinfo.Time.Trim();
    eventItem["highest"] = _marketinfo.DateNo.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["lowest"] = _marketinfo.Status.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["everage"] = _marketinfo.Advances.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["total_volume"] = _marketinfo.Declines.ToString().Trim();
    eventItem["match_volume"] = _marketinfo.NoChange.ToString();
    return eventItem;
    if (isFull)
    eventItem["symbol"] = _stock.Symbol;
    AddPriceField("ref_price", _stock.RefPrice, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("flr_price", _stock.FlrPrice, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("ceil_price", _stock.CeilPrice, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("room", _stock.Currentroom, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("foreign_buy", _stock.Foreign_buy, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("foreign_sell", _stock.Foreign_sell, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("highest", _stock.Highest, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("lowest", _stock.Lowest, eventItem);
    if (_marketinfo.Status == 13 || _marketinfo.Status == 15)
    AddPriceField("everage", _stock.Average, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("total_volume", _stock.Total_volume, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("match_volume", _stock.MatchVolume, eventItem);
    if (_stock.MatchPrice != 0)
    AddPriceField("match_price", _stock.MatchPrice, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("changed", _stock.MatchPrice - _stock.RefPrice, eventItem);
    if (_topprice != null)
    AddPriceField("bid3", _topprice.Third_best_bid_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol3", _topprice.Third_best_bid_volume, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("bid2", _topprice.Second_best_bid_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol2", _topprice.Second_best_bid_volume, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("bid1", _topprice.First_best_bid_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("bidvol1", _topprice.First_best_bid_volume, eventItem);

    AddPriceField("off1", _topprice.First_best_offer_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol1", _topprice.First_best_offer_volume, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("off2", _topprice.Second_best_offer_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol2", _topprice.Second_best_offer_volume, eventItem);
    AddPriceField("off3", _topprice.Third_best_offer_price, eventItem);
    AddVolumeField("offvol3", _topprice.Third_best_offer_volume, eventItem);
    return eventItem;
    private static void AddPriceField(string fld, int val100, IDictionary target)
    double v = (((double)val100) / 1000);
    if (v != 0)
    target[fld] = v.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
    private static void AddVolumeField(string fld, int val100, IDictionary target)
    double v = (((double)val100) / 100);
    if (v != 0)
    target[fld] = v.ToString();
    private static void AddVolumeField(string fld, double val100, IDictionary target)
    double v = (((double)val100) / 100);
    if (v != 0)
    target[fld] = v.ToString();

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    At first sight, I can't find any blocking operation that could affect "subscribe", so I can't understand why those "subscribe" operations are so slow.
    Do you see a steady 100% CPU level on the machine during that period?
    Please, try to replicate the case and produce a thread dump (if possible) on the Remote Server just before the timeout notifications appear on the Proxy Adapter, to see what happens.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh
    Hi Dario
    Yes. CPU 100% level on the the machine during this period.
    I think, may be I use many threads in process, hence I get broplem in "block" between threads
    I try many case but I can't understand.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    You should not assume that our example adapters are scalable. We used one thread per item just to make the code simple.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hồ Chí Minh
    thanks Dario



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