I am afraid for me it represents too much of a risk to upgrade to version 6. If it were simply my own installation then it not a problem, but for those of us who redistribute LS with our own software to a customer base, it is not practical to go through such a manual exercise unless there is a very good reason for the customer to update to version 6. At the moment, for our stuff, the only motivation is to "keep up to date" because there is no new functionality (or bug fixes) that are "must haves" yet. If we send a new release with a load of instructions regarding manual changes to LS config - which we cannot test beforehand - they are going to be asking why. If they get errors as a result of a misconfiguration then that will be worse still.

The only circumstances in which I could do this would be if I could run a script to migrate their existing configurations without risk. Obviously this is something I could write and test, but I am not sure I have the time yet.