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  1. #1

    Order of the events at the client: onItemUpdate, onEndOfSnapshot

    We use Vivace edition of LightStreamer.
    We use our Grid (html table) as the listener.

    We expect the following order of the events at the client:

    1) onSubscription
    2) onItemUpdate
    if (command == "ADD") {
    3) onEndOfSnapshot
    - we set scroller
    - we do another job after initial data has loaded

    We have that order when we subscibe on item for the first time.

    But when we subscribe to the same item again, LightStreamer returns data from Snapshot, without using Adapter, and we get the following order of the events:

    1) onSubscription
    2) onEndOfSnapshot
    3) onItemUpdate

    That way we can't do the initial job in onEndOfSnapshot event.

    Another question:

    When we make subsciption like this:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Group1", cellList);
    and return items:

    aftre that we make another subsciption:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Group2", cellList);
    and return items:

    When we want to push change in ItemB
    What do you suggest:

    a) for each Group where ItemB is involved
    _listener.OnEvent(Group1, update[ItemB], false);
    _listener.OnEvent(Group2, update[ItemB], false);


    b) to force subscription at Item level, rather than Group level;
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemA", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemB", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemC", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemX", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemY", cellList);

    Best regards,
    Slavko Parezanin
    Last edited by Slavko Parezanin; February 5th, 2014 at 08:11 AM.



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