Hi Naga

Refer to page 3 of the included DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_dotnet\doc\DotNet Adapters.pdf for an overview of the involved architecture.
The "Proxy Data Adapter" is provided by Lightstreamer to forward all requests to the remote part. It is implemented as the "NetworkedDataProvider" class and its source code is not provided.
The "Remote .NET Adapter Server" is also provided by Lightstreamer and its job is to load and manage the "Remote .NET Data Adapter", which is the only part that has to be written by you. The "Remote .NET Adapter Server" contains the definition of the API classes; again, the source code of the API classes is not provided, whereas their documentation is provided in DOCS-SDKs\sdk_adapter_dotnet\doc\DotNetAdapterAPI.chm.

Your goal is still unclear to me. Is the sentence
is it possible to subscribe to multiple items using a single thread
referred to the client side? May you please expand on this? Also, please check if your case is the one addressed by COMMAND mode (see chapter 3.1 in DOCS-SDKs\General Concepts.pdf).
