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    Lightbulb Installation issues under OSX - path contains spaces

    The "" script fails under OS X when installed to a path containing spaces (e.g. "~/Lightstreamer Moderato/").

    One work-around was to change the path-name (e.g. "~/Lightstreamer_Moderato/").

    Alternatively, I was able to modify the script to allow for spaces. Specifically two things were required:

    1. $args and $cpath directories are encapsulated with escaped double quotes.
    2. $command needed to be executed by invoking another shell. [ sh -c "$command" ]

    (below is the modified script in it's entirety)
    # =======================================================================
    # === CHECK THIS OUT
    # =======================================================================
    # JAVA_HOME must point to your Java Development Kit installation
    # =======================================================================
    # === CHECK THIS OUT
    # =======================================================================
    # JAVA_OPTS should contain any Java Virtual Machine options. Here are some tips:
    # 1) Always use the "-server" option.
    # 2) Give more RAM to the server process, especially with heavy traffic, by specifying a min and max "heap"
    #    E.g.: If you have 4 GB and the box is dedicated to Lightstreamer, you might set 1 GB min heap and 3 GB max
    #    heap with these options: "-Xms1G -Xmx3G"
    # 3) Choose a better "garbage collector" if you want to reduce latency. An option that often gives good results is:
    #    "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC". Only if you are using a very recent version of Java 7, you might prefer to try:
    #    "-XX:+UseG1GC". Many other tuning options are available (please see Oracle docs).
    echo "Java environment:"
    echo "JAVA_HOME = \"${JAVA_HOME}\""
    echo "JAVA_OPTS = \"${JAVA_OPTS}\""
    # =======================================================================
    # === CHECK THIS OUT
    # =======================================================================
    # In order to serve many concurrent user connections,
    # the limits on the available file descriptors should be released;
    # these limits also apply to the open sockets
    FD_HARD_LIMIT=`ulimit -Hn`
    # if running as root, you may be able to increase the hard limit:
    # ulimit -Hn unlimited
    # FD_HARD_SET=$?
    # FD_HARD_LIMIT=`ulimit -Hn`
    # if [ $FD_HARD_SET -ne 0 ]; then
    #     echo "Warning: could not enlarge maximum file descriptor limit"
    #     echo "ensure that the current limit is suitable: " $FD_HARD_LIMIT
    # fi
    echo Setting file descriptor limit to $FD_HARD_LIMIT
    ulimit -Sn $FD_HARD_LIMIT
    FD_SOFT_LIMIT=`ulimit -Sn`
    if [ $FD_SOFT_SET -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Warning: could not enlarge current file descriptor limit"
        echo "ensure that the current limit is suitable: " $FD_SOFT_LIMIT
    # Dump current ulimit and sysctl values
    echo "Configured file descriptors, soft limit: $(ulimit -Sn)"
    echo "Configured file descriptors, hard limit: $(ulimit -Hn)"
    fs_file=$(/sbin/sysctl -a 2> /dev/null | grep ^fs.file)
    if [ -n "${fs_file}" ]; then
    	echo "Configured sysctl fs.file.* values:"
    	echo "${fs_file}"
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # up two dirs there is LS_HOME
    _LS_HOME=$(dirname "${0}")
    if [ "${_LS_HOME}" = "." ]; then
        # in the same dir
        _LS_HOME=$(dirname "${PWD}")
    elif [ -z "$(echo ${_LS_HOME} | grep "^/" 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
        # relative dir to target
        # absolute path
        _LS_HOME=$(dirname "${_LS_HOME}")
    LS_HOME=$(dirname "${_LS_HOME}")
    echo "Lightstreamer Server directory:"
    echo "LS_HOME = \"${LS_HOME}\""
    # Inherited from environment, write current PID to
    # given file path (declared as WRITE_PID).
    # This is useful for init scripts unable to figure
    # out the pid by themselves (OpenBSD) and only
    # works when Lightstreamer starts.
    if [ "$1" = "run" -o "$1" = "background" ] ; then
       echo Starting Lightstreamer Server...
       echo Please check logs for detailed information.
    elif [ "$1" = "stop" -o "$1" = "restart" ] ; then
       echo Stopping Lightstreamer Server...
       echo "Usage: ( command )"
       echo "commands:"
       echo "  run               Start Lightstreamer Server in foreground"
       echo "  background        Start Lightstreamer Server in background"
       echo "  stop              Stop Lightstreamer Server"
       echo "  restart           Stop Lightstreamer Server and start a new instance in background"
       exit 1
    # Configuration file
    # Classpath
    # Launch command
    command="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -cp $cpath $class $args"
    minimal_command="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $cpath $class $args"
    write_pid() {
       if [ -n "${WRITE_PID}" ]; then
          echo $$ > "${WRITE_PID}"
    if [ "$1" = "restart" ] ; then
       # call command and wait
       eval $command
       # now start a new Server
       sh -c "$0 background"
    elif [ "$1" = "run" ] ; then
       # leave control to command
       sh -c "$command"
    elif [ "$1" = "stop" ] ; then
       # leave control to command
       sh -c "$minimal_command"
    elif [ "$1" = "background" ] ; then
       # call command in a separate window and leave
       touch "$LS_HOME"/logs/LS.out
       sh -c "$command >> $LS_HOME/logs/LS.out 2>&1 &"
    Last edited by Rob Bruce; February 15th, 2013 at 06:37 PM.



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