hmmm... This is going to make things interesting then. Our site is currently set up so that it is in the following format: for the main web applications and for the lightstreamer portion. Where the portion is the same for both sites. The www.* part is not applicable in our situation. Is this still a invalid deployment scenario?

If it is no longer a problem, would my set up be simular to this:
LSHost = ""
Domain = ""

If it is still a problem maybe you can give me some more ideas on how to get around it. The primary issue for us is that our firewalls only allow port 443 through them. Once traffic makes it through the firewall it is then authorized using windows "Basic" authorization scheme. (name and password required, no anonymous access allowed - issue #1) On the backside of the firewall our maps to webserver:80 (IIS - no longer ssl encrypted), and maps to webserver:8008 (Lightstreamer - no longer ssl encrypted). Unfortunently we have no way to allow any ports other than 443 thorough the system.
With this constraint, is there a better way to config this? All ideas are appreaciated!
