I am currently working on integrating the IG API to receive live streaming data for my Demo and Live trading accounts.

Despite following the documentation and ensuring my credentials and endpoint configurations are correct, I am not receiving any real-time data updates.

I am able to successfully obtain tokens and authenticate, but no streaming data is received. Below is a snippet of the log output:

"Obtaining tokens...

Starting new HTTPS connection (1): demo-api.ig.com:443

https://demo-api.ig.com:443 "POST /gateway/deal/session HTTP/1.1" 200 617
Successfully obtained tokens
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200056|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|serverAddress changed: https://demo-apd.marketdatasystems.com
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200104|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|adapterSet changed: Demo
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200128|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|user changed: ******

2024-06-12 15:25:55.200146|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|password changed
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200162|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|adapterSet changed: Demo
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200539|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|Subscription requested: subId: 1 [mode => MERGE, items => [CS.D.GBPUSD.TODAY.IP], fields => [BID,OFFER,HIGH,LOW,UPDATE_TIME,MARKET_STATE], dataAdapter => QUOTE_ADAPTER, requestedSnapshot => SnpYes]

2024-06-12 15:25:55.200712|INFO |lightstreamer.actions|MainThread|Connection requested: details: [serverAddress => https://demo-apd.marketdatasystems.com, adapterSet => Demo, user => ZHCYW, libVersion => python_client 2.1.0 build 20231219] options: [requestedMaxBandwidth => BWUnlimited, retryDelay => 4000, firstRetryMaxDelay => 100, sessionRecoveryTimeout => 15000, reverseHeartbeatInterval => 0, stalledTimeout => 2000, reconnectTimeout => 3000, keepaliveInterval => 0, pollingInterval => 0, idleTimeout => 19000, contentLength => 50000000, slowingEnabled => false, serverInstanceAddressIgnored => false, HTTPExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly => false]

2024-06-12 15:25:55.200757|INFO |lightstreamer.session|MainThread|Status: CONNECTING
2024-06-12 15:25:55.200792|DEBUG|lightstreamer.stream|MainThr ead|WS connecting: https://demo-apd.marketdatasystems.com/lightstreamer headers(null)"

Could you please assist in troubleshooting this issue or confirm if there are any additional steps, configurations or debugging tests to isolate the reason that is stopping access to live streaming data?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,
