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  1. #1

    Angular Frondend app with multiple 'decoupled' modules

    Hi, from the documentation I'm having difficulty understanding the relationships between subscriptions, topics, items, fields, etc. We have a typical scenario.

    1. An Angular app ('parent') with various modules all written by one group of developers.
    2. This parent app subscribes to ONE topic. here's psuedocode:
      1. const client = Lightstreamer.LightstreamerClient(lsServer, adapterSet)
      2. = yyy, etc
      3. const item = 'json::: + strTopic + '::::${some string} + user + '\')
      4. const subscription = new Lighstreamer.Subscription('RAW', [item], '['Body']);
      5. ....

    Now add a NEW LAZY LOADED module ('child') that is built by another group of developers which has it's own topic/subscription (which?requirement with a different data structure and subscription/topic(?)
    Question: what are the minimum maximally decoupled lightstreamer steps, the child must carry out to get the resources to the get new topic info? please consider two possibilities:
    1. IDEAL: the child is not aware of the parent lighstreamer resources so needs access to them somehow to avoid duplication and then carry out getting new topic info OR
    2. OK: the parent and child share a minimal state service where the parent can share minimal info with the child while maintaining maximum decoupling and maximizing resource use (no new sockets, etc)

    Last edited by Megabyzus; April 11th, 2022 at 10:30 PM.



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