
Thanks for the heads-up. Unfortunately, even after the recent changes we are still seeing missing rows after a client browser refresh.

In our use case, the clients need all updates, so they subscribe to a generic item called "FLIGHTS", so there is only 1 subscription per client. The only time there will be no subscriptions to "FLIGHTS" is if all clients disconnect, which would be fine. The initial load URL returns a list of flight objects, with a unique key and snapshot=true on each flight object. After browser refresh, we never see any of these flights missing.

There are instances where a new flight needs to be pushed to the clients. The system that pushes this data does not have insight into whether or not the flight was already pushed or not, so it sets the snapshot=true to err on the side of caution (even though there may be some data missing from that row that needs to be filled in later). These "new" flights are the ones that are sometimes missing after a browser refresh.

There are other systems that send other partial updates, but these systems "know" that and so the snapshot is not set in those updates.

The question that sticks out in my mind is "Does the server see the SNAPSHOT as related to the subscribed item ("FLIGHTS") or the individual flight row (unique by key)? If it is by subscribed item, how do we ensure that any new flights are added to the "group"? if it is by key, do we need to ensure that only the first data push is marked as a snapshot? That would require a bit of re-architecture, but it could be done, if needed.

Thanks again for your wisdom and direction,