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  1. #1

    Lightbulb LightStreamer JavaScript code minified

    The LightStreamer libraries are minified with the option that changes variable names. I had a problem that I just solved to today. I believe it would have helped greatly to have a .debug.js version of those LS files.

    Are they available anywhere?


  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy

    We currently do not offer sources nor a file.
    Part of the library is open source (see , and ) but we currently do not offer a way to swap classes directly included in our minified file with sources from that project.

    What kind of issue did you have to solve?

  3. #3
    The issue I had was that in IE (and Firefox if I'm not mistaken), the browser was taking too long to start streaming and, before it did, a popup saying something like "Unable to find engine".

    The issue was because we set it up asynchronously in a bad manner. It was trying to create a more than one engine when more than one topic was being streamed in the same page. Somehow, Chrome handles it and IE not always has this issue and so I had missed it at first.

    It is troubling to find such a message and not know where it came from as the stacktrace is completely useless when the code is minified so aggressively.


  4. #4
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy
    We have much improved the error handling in version 6 of the library. You now have synchronous exceptions if the error lies in the input parameters and dedicated listeners to detect issues related to an object event.

    Also setting up the connection is much easier as you don't have to create/wait for the engine, you just create the client and ask to connect. We also removed the dependencies based on the "when" the various calls have to be made.

    I strongly suggest to upgrade to the latest library, even more so if you are starting a new project.

    You can find more information here:
    Upgrade guide:
    Developer guide:
    new API:

    Also consider that the next version of Lightstreamer is expected before the end of January.

  5. #5
    Cool, thanks Mone!



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