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  1. #1

    My Lightstreamer doesn't start

    Hi, I'm new with Lightstreamer and Java... I set up the Java Variables and uncompressed the Lightstreamer Moderato. But when the server it's trying to start it fails with this message: The system can not find the specified path. I already check the Ls.bat file and the error is with the class witch is in the lightstreamer.jar file. I even check the forums and read that I need to make lightstreamer.jar accessible, but like I said I'm new in java and I don't know how to solve the problem.
    I need help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Noah,

    Usally the "The system can not find the specified path" message refers to the JAVA_HOME variable set in LS.bat that is not a valid path for your machine.
    Please double-check if you can reach the paths set in the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME variables at the beginning of the script.

    If the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME are ok, please remove from the LS.bat script this line

        @echo off
    and retry. We should get some further info about the issue.

  3. #3
    Giuseppe thx for the reply I double-check the paths and they were OK, I remove
        @echo off
    and try to run the server again and this is what appeared on console:

    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>call LS.bat run
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if "Windows_NT" == "Windows_NT" setlocal
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem === CHECK THIS OUT
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem JAVA_HOME must point to your Java Development K
    it installation
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem === CHECK THIS OUT
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem ===============================================
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem JAVA_OPTS should contain any Java Virtual Machi
    ne options. Here are some tips:
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 1) Always use the "-server" option.
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 2) Give more RAM to the server process, especia
    lly with heavy traffic, by specifying a min and max "heap"
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem    E.g.: If you have 4 GB and the box is dedica
    ted to Lightstreamer, you might set 1 GB min heap and 3 GB max
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem    heap with these options: "-Xms1G -Xmx3G"
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem 3) Choose a better "garbage collector" if you w
    ant to reduce latency. An option that often gives good results is:
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem    "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC". If you are using
    Java 7 (apart from early versions) or later, you might prefer to try:
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem    "-XX:+UseG1GC". Many other tuning options ar
    e available (please see Oracle docs).
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set JAVA_OPTS=-server
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem -----------------------------------------------
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Java environment:
    Java environment:
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
    JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo JAVA_OPTS = -server
    JAVA_OPTS = -server
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem LS_HOME takes the current directory of LS.bat a
    nd goes up two dirs
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set LS_HOME=C:\Lightstreamer
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Lightstreamer Server directory:
    Lightstreamer Server directory:
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo LS_HOME = C:\Lightstreamer
    LS_HOME = C:\Lightstreamer
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if ""run"" == ""run"" goto doStart
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Starting Lightstreamer Server...
    Starting Lightstreamer Server...
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>echo Please check logs for detailed information.
    Please check logs for detailed information.
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set class=com.lightstreamer.LS
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>goto doLaunch
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Configuration file
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set args="C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Classpath
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set cpath="C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem Launch command
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set command="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\jav
    a.exe" -server -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\li
    mer\lib\*" com.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>set minimal_command="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
    \bin\java.exe" -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\li
    mer\lib\*" com.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>if ""run"" == ""run"" goto doForeground
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>rem leave control to command
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin\java.exe" -serv
    er -cp "C:\Lightstreamer\lib\lightstreamer.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\ls-adapter
    -interface.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\ls-monitor.jar";"C:\Lightstreamer\lib\*" c
    om.lightstreamer.LS "C:\Lightstreamer\conf\lightstreamer_conf.xml"
    El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.
    C:\Lightstreamer\bin\windows>goto end
    Presione una tecla para continuar . . .
    Any thoughts about the red part?
    thx for your time...

    Quote Originally Posted by giuseppe.corti View Post
    Hi Noah,

    Usally the "The system can not find the specified path" message refers to the JAVA_HOME variable set in LS.bat that is not a valid path for your machine.
    Please double-check if you can reach the paths set in the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME variables at the beginning of the script.

    If the JAVA_HOME and LS_HOME are ok, please remove from the LS.bat script this line

        @echo off
    and retry. We should get some further info about the issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Noah,

    Please note that "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0" is the JAVA_HOME assumed in the factory script. But the latest Java downloads installed itself in folders like:

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67"
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11"

    Could you check, on your machine, where java.exe is actually present?

    Thank you,

  5. #5
    thx Giuseppe, that's was the problem exactly... its running OK right now...

    Quote Originally Posted by giuseppe.corti View Post
    Hi Noah,

    Please note that "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0" is the JAVA_HOME assumed in the factory script. But the latest Java downloads installed itself in folders like:

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67"
    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_11"

    Could you check, on your machine, where java.exe is actually present?

    Thank you,



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