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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Adding or Removing Subscriptions


    I have just started working with Lightstreamer, and so far I am using tables to establish client subscriptions as in:

    Perhaps this is not the best/only way. I don't know.

    As I understand it, one of the defining features of a table is the group of items that it includes. Suppose the client wants to add or remove an item. Is it necessary to unsubscribe the table and then create and subcribe a new table with the adjusted group of items? That seems like it would be an expensive operation.

    Or is there a better alternative than using tables in this situation?

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy
    Hi subuta,

    in your case we usually suggest to make mono-item tables so that you can add/remove items one by one.
    If the use of a single table for all the items is a necessity I confirm the only way is to unsubscribe from the entire table and then subscribe to a new one.

    Please also take a look to the COMMAND mode that may fit your case better; Section 3.1 in the General Concepts.pdf file explains it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Thanks Mone. A few follow-up questions if you don't mind:

    1. I picture tables as being created on the client side and sent
    to the server for it to use when processing update events. Is
    this correct?

    2. Is the monotable approach scalable? For my use case I hope to
    have hundreds of thousands of concurrent users, with an average of
    perhaps 10 monotables per user. Of course I recognize that I may
    have to spread the users over two or more Lightstreamer instances,
    but I am trying to get a sense of how using monotables will affect

    2. Is it ok to share a schema across mono-tables?

    3. I see that your code examples make heavy use of double brace
    initialization (!) for table info and table listener objects. Is
    this just a matter of coding taste, or is double brace
    initialization better for these cases than other styles of
    initializing objects?

    4. I have not been able to understand some aspects of command mode
    as it is described in the General Concepts document (and I haven't
    started experimenting with it yet - as I mentioned, I am new to
    Lightstreamer). Two sections of the description of command mode
    in particular puzzle me:

    a) "The itemEvents are interpreted as commands that indicate how
    to progressively modify a table or a list."

    As far as I know, Lightstreamer exposes a table construct but no
    list construct. Is the documentation saying that command events
    can modify the contents of the server-side table data structure,
    or is it saying "If you are maintaining your own
    (non-Lightstreamer) table or list in your client code, here is a
    convenient way to trigger changes to it."?

    b) "Notice that a field of the schema in a COMMAND subscription
    could contain the itemName of a
    different item. This way, it is possible to perform a multi-level
    push, where a change in the
    first-level item can provoke subscription or unsubscription to
    different second-level items (and
    so on)."

    Does this mean that a command event can cause an item to be added
    to (or removed from) a Lightstreamer table, and that the added
    (removed) item will be automatically subscribed (unsubscribed)?


  4. #4
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy
    Hi Dan,

    1 depends what you mean by "created on the client"; A table simply represents a subscription; is the duty of the data adapter to receive the subscriptions and to send the updates to the server kernel (that in turn will send the updates to the clients)

    2 short-answer: yes, it scale.
    The mono-item table approach only adds some small overhead on the client for the computational cost of handling more objects.
    That approach also adds some overhead to the data sent to the server to perform the subscriptions. This is only done upon subscription. Moreover it is possible to batch subscriptions together to diminish even more the small effect ( see )

    From any other perspective to have 10 mono-item tables or to have one table with 10 items is exactly the same.

    on the current Java SE client the TableInfo objects are very simple descriptor objects; there is no problem if you share the same schema String with more than one TableInfo. (did you mean something else?)

    we usually try to make the examples as readable as possible, no need to initialize objects that way.

    sorry I didn't point to it previously, but is probably better to look to an example to understand COMMAND mode.
    If you open you'll see a table. That table is generated by one single item.
    This item has two special fields, key and command; using the appropriate values of key and command it is possible to add/remove/update all the rows in that COMMAND table.

    Now if you open you'll see again a COMMAND table driven by one single item, but there is a difference this time. Each time an ADD command is received by the said item a new MERGE subscription is made using the key field as item name and a configured subschema as schema. In this case each time an add is received a subscription to the items of the StockListDemo is made.

    (Note: some clients handle this 2-level push automatically, while others, like the JAVA SE one, do not so that the second-level-subscription logic has to be implemented in the client code).
    Let me know if something is unclear

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thank you for all of this information. I will think about it carefully, and study the examples you have suggested.




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