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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Client receive old data after some time.

    Hi, again .
    I successfully integrated lightstreamer for one of our products, but now in the test phase, i am observing that after some time the application begin to receive "aged data", i.e. data that was received from the feed before 2-3-4 minutes. For my testing environment i am using the trial vertion of the moderato edition. So do i have to do some additional configuration in order to fix this (the docs said that LS has automatic adaptive filter streaming).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    It is possible that the update events queue up on the Server,
    particularly in Moderato edition, which has a predefined delivery frequency limit.
    However, it depends on the the subscription attributes.
    Which subscription mode are you using?
    If you are not using RAW mode, are you setting the frequency as "unfiltered"?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I am using DISTINCT type.
    How do i set this frequency setting? What does this setting do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    You can set
    on the client page to ensure that none of the update events is filtered by the Server;
    this causes the Server to enqueue the events, if needed.

    Even if you don't use the above setting, the Server enqueues the update events rather than filtering them, as long as there is buffer space available.
    While in MERGE mode the default buffer size is 1, in DISTINCT mode it is the maximum possible.
    You can force filtering in DISTINCT mode by explicitly reducing the buffer, through
    for instance.

    In Moderato edition, an upper limit of one update per second is forced on the frequency for all items,
    hence, for items with a source update frequency higher than that,
    you can't help but either filtering or enqueueing.

    If the source update frequency were steadily above one per second, then enqueueing would not be an option,
    as the buffer would fill up and you would get delayed, yet filtered, updates.
    In that case, setting a buffer size of 1 would be the only option.



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