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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ho Chi Minh

    Problems with Overwrite Table and IE

    Dear All,

    I have problems while deploying web client of lightstreamer server.

    1. The first problem is about overwrite table.
    I want to use overwrite table to display my finance data. Everything is ok but i want to add a function which allow users sort rows on that table. I have sorted the table but the problem was that new data cann't be updated to the screen. while sorting, i swapped the content of td (using cell.innerHTML). Anyone know how to sort or swap two rows, please help me!
    2. The second one is about Internet Explorer 7
    I have tested successfully with FireFox 3.0.5, safari but it was failed with IE 7.

    Please help me! Thanks you very much!

    Best regards,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milan, Italy
    Dear Em NGUYEN,

    If you want to leverage the sorting facility provided by the Lightstreamer widgets, rather tham implementing it yourself, you could use the DynaMetapushTable or the MultiDynaMetapushTable. But notice that in this case you should use COMMAND subscription mode rather than plain MERGE.

    A couple of representative examples are the Basic Portfolio Demo and the Portfolio Demo, available in the default installation of your Lightstreamer Server, or online from here.

    Regarding IE7, I confirm Lightstreamer is fully compatible with this browser, so I guess the issue should be in your code.

    Hope that helps.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Ho Chi Minh

    Sorting with Overwrite Table

    Dear Alessandro,

    First, Thanks you for your answer.

    I have tested with MultiDynaPush table using demos of the packet lightstreamer server. The example executed well but i cann't find the tutorial which help me to write the adapter for this table. Because of that reason, i used overwrite table and the bad thing of this table that it can't be sorted by javascript. If you have the document which help me to write the adapter for MultiDynapushTable, please help me. Thanks you very much!

    Regards the problem with IE, i will test my code again.

    Thanks you for your reply!

    Best regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milan, Italy
    Dear Em NGUYEN,

    There is no step-by-step tutorial on how to use meta-push, but you can get all the information you need from the "General Concetps" document, from the JSDoc and JavaDoc, and from the commented source code of the examples.



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