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  1. #1

    Problems to build Lightstreamer - Basic Stock-List Demo - .NET Client

    the description is unfortunately not understandable for me (

    In the description, a Windows Application target is to be created in Visual Studio, because a project "Windows Application target" is unknown. I've followed the description of Microsoft ( to load the sourcecode files in Visual Studio.

    Then I copied the following dll-files from the installation directory of the demo DotNetClientDemo_N2.msi:
    1. Lightstreamer_DotNet_PCL_Client.dll
    2. log4Net.dll (this file is missing in the description)

    Then I added references to the DLL's in the project.

    The next problem is a missing reference in DemoForm.Designer.cs in line 269:
    // statusImg
    this.statusImg.Image = global:otNetStockListDemo.Properties.Resources.status_dis connected;
    this.statusImg.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(1, 12);
    this.statusImg.Name = "statusImg";
    this.statusImg.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(21, 51);
    this.statusImg.TabIndex = 5;
    this.statusImg.TabStop = false;

    Error-Message: System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException -> What is the problem and how can I solve it ?

    After removing the red marked line, I can run the application.
    In the below statusbar the message "Connecting to Lightstreamer Server @ http://localhoist:80" and than follows a error message can't connect to the remote server.

    In the installed demo DotNetClientDemo_N2.msi it is not necessary to start a local server. The executable in DotNetClientDemo_N2.msi called with " 80". If I do the same with my executable file, this error message appears during executing in DemoForm.cs Line 198 (red marked): "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException " -> What is the problem and how can I solve it ?

    switch (cStatus)
    case StocklistConnectionListener.STREAMING:
    statusImg.Image = Resources.status_connected_streaming;
    case StocklistConnectionListener.POLLING:
    statusImg.Image = Resources.status_connected_polling;
    case StocklistConnectionListener.STALLED:
    statusImg.Image = Resources.status_stalled;
    case StocklistConnectionListener.DISCONNECTED:
    this.isDirty = true;
    statusImg.Image = Resources.status_disconnected;


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Stefan,

    With "you just need to create a project for a Windows Application target" we meant: create a new project starting from a default template suitable for standard Windows application.
    The exact procedure may vary slightly depending on the VS version you are using, in my case:
    - from "File" menu click "New" -> "Project..." (or simply Ctrl+Shift+N)
    - then chosse among the default templates "Templates -> Visual C# -> Windows -> Classic Desktop" the "Windows Form Application".

    That said, about the issues you are facing I think that your project does not load all the resources needed.
    Please be sure that the resources file of the project is properly configured (


  3. #3
    I solved the problem myself. The problems concern only the representation of the connection status and can be removed.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Can you outline a bit more details?



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