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  1. #1

    Question issue in android and ios connection server

    i have an web application and its connection fine with my server but when i try to connect with my android app or ios app its return an exeption
    I/System.out: [DataKvKc]:failed to connect to / (port 80): connect failed: EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress),timeoutMs:0,cause:connect failed: EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi codesroots,

    As a preliminary check, you should check which is the edition of the Lightstreamer server in use.
    Please note that the iOS and Android Client libraries are available only for "Presto" and "Vivace" editions (for "Allegro" is an option feature). In "Moderato" edition the libraries do not work.

    Please also note that if you just want to evaluate one of the optional client library you can use the DEMO license embedded in the factory download of "Allegro/Presto/Vivace" edition.

    Otherwise, if you confirm that your server is enabled for those client libraries, then could you post here a snippet of the Lightstreamer server log file in a case of connection failure?


  3. #3
    Lightstreamer Server Allegro-Presto-Vivace version 5.1.2 build 1623.14 this is my server version and i downloaded demo lincense and i changed light streamer host to my server ip and DEMO to my Adapter set
    "DataPool" adapterset
    and please how can .i get logs for light streamer from android client
    Last edited by codesroots; March 23rd, 2017 at 11:43 AM.

  4. #4
    i download this and changed values of my server but is never connected

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi codesroots,

    Ok, when you try to connect your android client, is there some evidence in the Lightstreamer server log?
    Please could you check in your server installation the file <LS_HOME>/logs/Lightstreamer.log


  6. #6
    hello Giuseppe thank you for ur reply

    this is my log file

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi codesroots,

    Thank you, for the log. I have checked it and the only case of connection failure, seems to be this:

    26-Mar-17 10:00:22,592|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/create_session.txt? on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from

    Please could you confirm if could be the address of your Android device that you are using for the test? if this is the case it seems that the create_session request is truncated somewhere between the server and the client.
    Between the device and the Lightstreamer server is there any proxy or other intermediary node?

    Furthermore please could you specify the Android client version in use.


  8. #8
    thank you sir for ur reply this is my android client version i have downloaded

  9. #9
    also my ios version not connecting to my server

  10. #10
    and there is no proxy or somthing becouse if i change server host to and adapterset to "DEMO"

    it worked fine and connected



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