
Is there a way of knowing, that a record added or updated and raising an onChangingValues is not part of the currently displayed logical page?.
we do not pass such information through the onChangingValues event;
you may solve this checking by checking if the DOM element passed with such event is actually attached to the document instance of the page or not.

Is there an event raised by the Lightstreamer js client library that notifies the client that a record has entered the currently displayed logical page (coming from an undisplayed page, for example because a row has been deleted)?
such notification does not exists; which kind of error do you get from the jquery plugin? Even if an element is detached from the page it still exists; is it searched on the document by jquery during the animation?

You may also try to use the MetapushTable (that has an OnRowUpdate callback) or a NonVisualTable (calling its setCommandLogic) binded to a jquery grid (an example based on merge mode is available here: http://www.lightstreamer.com/demo/jqGridDemo/)