Hi Matt,

I'm sorry that the instructions have been somewhat misleading for you.

In fact, in case of remote adapter deployment, in the folder there is only the configuration file with the information for the connection of the remote counterparts.
Contrary to what happens with in-process adapters which also contain all the necessary libraries. We used the same phrase in the instructions for both cases.

About the connection errors you see, these aren't really fatal errors. In fact, the logic of the adapter is to launch the connection procedure for all three ports at the same time.
But at the beginning the server waits only on 8003, the metadata, when this is connected, opens the listening also on the Data Adapter ports 8001 and 8002.
What happens in the adapter is that in the first attempt only the connection to port 8003 succeeds while the other two print the error messages.
But on the second attempt they succeed too and the server can start (see this piece of code: https://github.com/Lightstreamer/Lig...connect.js#L24)

Maybe there is missing a message to the console that informs of connection success; I will add it.

Now your questions:

1. This depend on how the Proxy Adapter is configured in the Lightstreamer server side.
There exist two flavors of Proxy MetaData Adapter: PROXY_FOR_REMOTE_ADAPTER (non-robust) and ROBUST_PROXY_FOR_REMOTE_ADAPTER (robust).
In case of non-robust the Lightstreamer server not to start accepting client sessions until all Remote Adapters connect.
In case of robust, the Lightstreamer server after a configurable timeout starts anyway.
For more details about robust configuration please refer here: https://lightstreamer.com/docs/ls-se...e/adapters.xml

2. No, The Lightstreamer server waits (for an indefinite time) for connection on all the tcp ports configured in the adapters.xml configuration file.
When all are connected it can start.

3. No, the example seems to work well anyway, but I'll update the console messaging to avoid confusion.
