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  1. #1

    Question Deciding message delivery to a specific user - need help with a sample/example

    Hello, we have a use case where we want to send a message to a specific user depending on some logic in Data Adapter.
    For examples if we when data adapter receives data { id=10, age=20 } it needs to go to user with id=10 only. Other connected connections should not receive that message.

    Do we have a sample which shows this type of implementation. Most of the sample I saw were publishing to all connected users.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi vinayms01,

    A typical example of Personal messages (unicast) is the "Basic Messenger Demo"; please find the full code from GitHub:
    In this case each client subscribes directly to a personalized item:

    But an alternative could be that all clients subscribe to the same Item; but through the getItems method ( of the Metadata Adapter this is transformed into a personal item simply by adding a suffix (or prefix) identifying the user.
    In your case could be the id.


  3. #3
    Thank you for quick reply. Will go thorough provided links and reach back for any further question.



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