Hi giuseppe,

I have asked this question again on the stackoverflow, I have got the following response "The observed behavior is not related to client and server versions, but to other context characteristics. For instance, one of the many possible causes could be that the needed root certificate is missing in the java environment. My suggestion is to write to Lightstreamer support forum, where you will have the opportunity to submit client and server logs."

Now, my application is distributed to the clients, does that imply that I need to import the certificate in my JAR file????

would you please clarify this point for me?

Quote Originally Posted by giuseppe.corti View Post
Hi ManKeer,

Thank you for the logs, we have checked them and first of all I want to clarify that the value for EarlyWSOpen seems completely irrelevant for the issue.
Indeed from the logs it is evident that every time the client lib tries to open a connection with the server, in order to send the create_session request, it immediately receives the error "Couldn't get a socket, try again".
So it would seem a connectivity problem between the device running the client and the Lightstreamer server. Please could you check by telnet or ping if the two machines can communicate? Maybe it's a DNS problem and the client can't resolve the host name?
