What do I need to specify connect to the frame on www.lightstreamer.com using the DotNetClientStockDemo project?

I notice that the url 'createsession.txt' is coded in there. What's wrong with changing that to .js? Also, I have the following parameters in the 'connInfo':

ConnectionInfo connInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
connInfo.Adapter = "DEMO";
//connInfo.Constraints = ;
//connInfo.ContentLength = ;
//connInfo.EnableStreamSense = ;
//connInfo.KeepaliveMillis = ;
//connInfo.Password = ;
//connInfo.Polling = true;
//connInfo.PollingIdleMillis = 30000;
//connInfo.ProbeTimeoutMillis = ;
//connInfo.ProbeWarningMillis = ;
//connInfo.PushServerControlUrl = ;
//connInfo.PushServerUrl = ;
//connInfo.ReconnectionTimeoutMillis = ;
//connInfo.StreamingTimeoutMillis = ;
//connInfo.User = ;
connInfo.PushServerUrl = pushServerUrl;

What else do I need to specify to connect to this data in the same was as the browser does by doing the following two posts:

LS_phase=9802&LS_domain=lightstreamer.com&LS_polli ng=true&LS_polling_millis=0&LS_idle_millis=0&LS_cl ient_version=4.4&LS_adapter_set=DEMO&

LS_phase=9804&LS_domain=lightstreamer.com&LS_polli ng=true&LS_polling_millis=0&LS_idle_millis=30000&L S_client_version=4.4&LS_adapter_set=DEMO&LS_old_se ssion=S71fc1ac7afc26625T3916805&

Thanks in advance.