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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Custom error page

    With a previous version of Lightstreamer I was able to put a file called ErrorPage.html into the shared/classes directory and the engine would serve that if someone accessed an invalid page on our server. I see that the latest distribution still has an ErrorPage.html inside the Lightstreamer.jar which I presume generates the "Lightstreamer is up and running" page. But adding my own to shared/classes seems to have no effect in overriding it. I'd rather not have to modify the Lightstreamer.jar to insert my own page so is the shared/classes method still supported? If so any idea why it doesn't work for me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milan, Italy
    Lightstreamer is normally used only to deliver the data (i.e. the actual pages of the web application should be delivered by an external Web server). For that reason the Lightstreamer ErrorPage will usually never appear in the browser, unless a user tries to directly connect to Lightstreamer Server when playing around with the URLs. For this reason the ErrorPage.html file has been made part of the JAR and is not meant to be modified.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Thanks for the info.

    For the record we were not trying to server any HTML content from Lightstreamer, just using a customized error page so that we could use HTTP based monitoring software to determine if the streamer was alive or not. By having our own page we could be independent of any changes to the content of the standard ErrorPage.html

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Milan, Italy
    That makes sense. To accomplish such goal, the simplest solution is to enable the internal Web server of Lightstreamer and deploy a page of your choice.

    To enable the Web server:
    --> edit lightstreamer_conf.xml: <web_server> <enabled>Y</enabled> ...

    To deploy a custom page:
    --> copy your page in the "pages" directory

    The monitoring software will directly access the deployed page to check Server's health.



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