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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Client only in polling mode

    for client version Lightstreamer Silverlight Client Library version 1.1.3537.25900 user only can poll instead of stream. There is no proxy involved, here is the log entry

    15.Apr.10 13:05:40,563 < INFO> Serving request: /lightstreamer/create_session.tx
    tent_length=50000000&LS_polling=true&LS_polling_mi llis=0&LS_idle_millis=30000&LS
    _report_info=true from
    15.Apr.10 13:05:40,565 < INFO> Starting new session: S78c524cd6a396481T0540564 from
    15.Apr.10 13:05:40,739 < INFO> Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt?LS_session=S78c524cd6a396481T0540564&L S_op=add&LS_table=1&LS_id=S_ADAPTER&LS_mode=RAW&LS _schema=MESSAGEID+DATA+MESSAGE_TS&LS_data_adapter= S_ADAPTER from
    15.Apr.10 13:05:40,739 < INFO> Controlling session: S78c524cd6a396481T0540564 fr
    15.Apr.10 13:06:10,898 < INFO> Polling (2) to session: S78c524cd6a396481T0540564


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Indeed, the log reports a normal long polling session.

    In a normal case, this happens when the isPolling attribute of ConnectionInfo is set as true. Please check that on the source code first.

    Note that, even with no proxy, it is always possible that some intermediate node (an antivirus, for instance) causes the Stream-sense mechanism to come into play.
    This can be checked in the previous part of the log.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Question another strange behavior

    The same application I noticed another strange behavior and the developer claims it's not from the application code but from the Silverlight client library. Here is the logs

    25-May-10 14:05:08,022 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 2 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/create_session.txt?LS_user=LSUser&LS_adapter_set=A dapter&LS_content_length=50000000&LS_polling=true& LS_polling_millis=0&LS_idle_millis=0&LS_report_inf o=true from

    (No Bind session request)

    25-May-10 14:05:08,070 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt?LS_session=S737de3212f2fbeeeT0416469&L S_op=destroy from

    Why the library sent a DESTROY request 50ms after the create session?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The Silverlight library may issue DESTROY requests simply to ensure that a session that is no longer needed is closed as soon as possible on the Server side.
    In fact, just closing the connection stream on the client side, sometimes is not enough to ensure that.

    Hence, if the session mentioned in DESTROY request (i.e. S737de3212f2fbeeeT0416469) is being closed by the client together with the opening of a new session at 14:05:08,022 then the log pattern is correct.
    If the session being destroyed were the same opened at 14:05:08,022 there would be something unusual happening.
    A full log snippet would be needed to shed full light on the case.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    detail log

    On the client side here is the HttpWatch log;
    1. <entry method="POST" URL="https://*******.com/lightstreamer/create_session.txt">
    <text><![CDATA[ OK SessionId:S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 KeepaliveMillis:0 MaxBandwidth:0.0 RequestLimit:50000 ServerName:AMS3 HTTP Server PROBE LOOP ]]></text>
    <mimeType>text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1</mimeType>
    2. <entry method="GET" URL="https://*******.com/lightstreamer/bind_session.txt?LS_session=S4abfa93fa2681585T1101 270&amp;LS_content_length=50000000&amp;LS_report_i nfo=true&amp;LS_silverlight_version=1.0">
    <text><![CDATA[ OK SessionId:S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 KeepaliveMillis:2000 MaxBandwidth:0.0 RequestLimit:50000 Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push PROBE PROBE END ]]></text>
    <mimeType>text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1</mimeType>

    3. <entry method="POST" URL="https://*******.com/lightstreamer/create_session.txt">
    <text><![CDATA[ OK SessionId:S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108268 KeepaliveMillis:30000 MaxBandwidth:0.0 RequestLimit:50000 ServerName:AMSATBTP3 HTTP Server LOOP ]]></text>

    4. <entry method="POST" URL="">
    5. <entry method="POST" URL="https://*****.com/lightstreamer/bind_session.txt">
    <text><![CDATA[ OK SessionId:S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108268 KeepaliveMillis:30000 MaxBandwidth:0.0 RequestLimit:50000 PROBE LOOP ]]></text>
    <mimeType>text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1</mimeType>

    (#5 repeats until the app was closed)


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    log on server

    continued from above thread
    09:11:01,270 |DEBUG|Logger.METADATA |SERVER POOLED THREAD 10 |New Session S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 for user ad04d127-55a3-454a-a628-cd00fe3408be from
    09:11:01,270 |INFO |Logger.METADATA |SERVER POOLED THREAD 10 |User ad04d127-55a3-454a-a628-cd00fe3408be has 1 concurrent session(s) after this new session S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 added.
    09:11:09,195 |DEBUG|Logger.METADATA |SERVER POOLED THREAD 8 |notifySessionClose: session id is S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270
    server-3.log:09:11:01,272 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 10 |Starting new session: S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:05,188 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/bind_session.txt?LS_session=S4abfa93fa2681585T1101 270&LS_content_length=50000000&LS_report_info=true &LS_silverlight_version=1.0 from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:05,190 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Attaching session: S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:09,194 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 8 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt?LS_session=S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270&L S_op=destroy from
    atbt-ams-server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:09,194 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 8 |Destroying session: S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 from
    second session started
    09:11:08,268 |DEBUG|ATBTLogger.METADATA
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |New Session S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108268 for user
    ad04d127-55a3-454a-a628-cd00fe3408be from

    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:08,268 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 5 |Starting new session: S92957313c3dc0a6eT110826
    8 from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:11,136 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 6 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt?LS
    _session=S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108268&LS_op=add&LS_ta ble=1&LS_id=ADAPTER&L
    S_mode=RAW&LS_schema=MESSAGEID+DATA+MESSAGE_TS&LS_ data_adapter=ADAPTER from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:11,137 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 6 |Controlling session: S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108268
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:11:40,461 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Polling (2) to session: S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108
    268 from
    -server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:12:10,702 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Polling (3) to session: S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108
    268 from
    server-3.log:11-Aug-10 09:12:40,880 |INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests
    |SERVER POOLED THREAD 9 |Polling (4) to session: S92957313c3dc0a6eT1108
    268 from

    So this is what confused me.
    1. Why the client issued the second create_session even the first session was still valid on server?
    2. Why the second bind_session request submittd as POST and in POLLING mode?
    3. Will lightstream automatically subscriber the same items for second session or the application needs to make the call?



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The pattern is the typical one when the Stream-sense mechanism comes into action.

    1. Even though the first session goes on well on the Server, the answer of the first bind_session, which is in streaming, doesn't reach the client, because of some intermediate node which does not support streaming.
    Eventually, the client library detects that and opens a new session in smart polling.
    You may notice that the client, just in case, also sends a "destroy" request related to the first session.

    2. Note that, in general, all requests are in POST; only streaming requests, in Silverlight, have to be issued in GET (note that those requests don't carry user credentials).

    3. About subscriptions, note that in LS Silverlight library all the connection phase is atomic and blocking. Hence, if the Stream-sense needs to perform a second connection attempt, until it has finished and openConnection has returned, you are not allowed to perform subscription requests.
    Hence, the first session cannot receive subscription requests and all you requests pertain to the second one.
    Nevertheless, if you, then, explicitly open a new session by invoking openConnection, the subscription requests must be reissued.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    For #1, the client received the response based on HttpWatch "OK SessionId:S4abfa93fa2681585T1101270 KeepaliveMillis:2000 MaxBandwidth:0.0 RequestLimit:50000 Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push
    Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push Preamble: preparing push PROBE PROBE END" . So why the client API thought this is not streaming?

    One more question, how does Lightstreamer handles the messages between POLLING requests? Will client receive them?



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Ok, sorry, the first log was taken on the client machine, so no intermediate nodes could be involved.
    It is still possible that the response did not reach LS library, though this is not the normal case and some additional element has to be identified.
    Can you make any hypothesis on a possible cause based on your environment?

    For instance, as found in this thread, if the Silverlight application code forces the use of ClientHttp in place of BrowserHttp, streaming is no longer supported by the Silverlight runtime.

    Another possibility is the presence of an antivirus tightly integrated with the browser; some antiviruses may buffer the response wholly or in blocks; I don't know if https can also be handled in this way.

    Your client-side sniffer might block streaming. Can you ensure that the client-side behavior with and without the sniffer are exactly the same?

    Unfortunately, LS Silverlight Client library offers no log support, so we can't check and confirm in a clear way that the streaming answer is not read by the library.
    Would it be feasible for you setting up a test in your application, by performing a request to LS Server?
    Can you see our online Silverlight demo in https in streaming? (Use this url).

    Once the library has recovered with polling, it uses smart polling, hence the client does not wait between subsequent requests: it always reissues polls immediately and it is the Server which may hold the request until events are available.
    Anyway, no events are lost; events that reach the Server while the new request has not come yet are queued and may be merged, depending on the configuration.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Sorry, I forgot to clarify the issue more clearly.
    The issue was first reported that the user was always in polling mode. We found out it was caused by infrastructure configuration issue and was fixed. Now majority users were in streaming mode.
    The same user was in streaming mode most of the time, with or without HtppWatch. But if polling happened it is alsways the same pattern, with or without HttpWatch. The pattern is like this. On client side, create_session, bind_session, 4-5 seconds later create_session, control_session (to kill the previous session), bind_session (polling). On the server side, first bind_session seems fine.





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