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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Running Lightstreamer Web Client : Permission Denied

    I'm currently writing a web application in ASP.NET 2.0 within Visual Studio 2005 but I'm having trouble getting the sample demo to work within Visual Studio's integral web server.
    I can run the lightstreamer server on its own just fine, and can access the sample demo on port 8080 without a problem.

    However, I copied the sample website into a new VS web project and after setting the hostname and port to point at my Lightstream server I started it up. It connects to the LS server without any problem, but no data is coming through. The server continuously starts a new session, reuses a HTTP connection, and then immediately closes the connection. The javascript error on the web client page indicates that the call to create_session.html was returned with a "Permission Denied" error. Any ideas why this might be the case?


  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy


    Hi cbradbury,

    This is probably the most common problem people encounter deploying a Lightstreamer Web Client application using two servers (a Lightstreamer and a Web Server)

    The problem is solved with the use of the setDomain method.
    You can refer to the linked JSDoc for further details, btw I advise you to read also the README file placed under LS_HOME/DOCS-SDKs/sdk_client_web/examples/StockListDemo/ (look for the "External deployment" section) where LS_HOME is the directory where you unzipped (or Lightstreamer.tar.gz)

    Please note that some issues can arise with the setting of the domain. You can find those issues (and relative work-around/solutions) in the "Known Browser Issues" section of the forums.

    Hope that helps



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