
you can find details about all the settings for the Lightstreamer Web Client in the API documentation, under "DOCS-SDKs\sdk_client_web\doc\jsdoc".
The documentation is also available online; you can find details about these specific settings at
http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/cl...html#setDomain, http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/client_web_jsdoc/Connection.html#setLSHost and http://www.lightstreamer.com/docs/cl...html#setLSPort.

You can use different ports on the same host for Lighstreamer Server and your Web Server, provided that you always use the full hostname to name the host and set the domain accordingly. In DOCS-SDKs\sdk_client_web\examples\StockListDemo\README. TXT you can find, in the "External deployment" section, the guidelines for a general case, which also apply to your case.
