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Thread: Information

  1. #1


    Hope so you will be enjoying good health.. I had given the proposal of an android application that shows the real time values of stocks.I had read the most of the documents but still not finding a way or a point from where to start developing my app. The basic architecture shows a client , lightstreamer server and back end system. Where would i get back end server that will provide me with the data etc. Kindly guide me to take a start so I can submit the project before due date.

  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hi abdulhannan,

    probably the best place to looking at is one of our Android demos, from which you can follow basic steps to setup a complete end-to-end example, from the development of both client side and server side components, to the deployment into a Lightstreamer server instance.

    Please find below other resources which may help you in understanding the Lightstreamer technology:

    1. General Concepts
    2. Android Client API Reference
    3. Java In-Process Adapter Reference

    Please get back to us for further help.

    Thanks and Regards,



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