Hi Hassan,

I am assuming that for "snap is true" you mean an update sent by your adapter to the Lightstreamer server with isSnapshot flag set to true (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Please, consider that the isSnapshot value apply only in the immediate aftermath of the subscribe call of your adapter for the Item. After the EndOfSnapshot is called or an update is received with isSnapshot to false, the isSnapshot value it is irrelevant.

Generally a DELETE command involves removing the specified key, if any, from the logical model of the Item.
Actions towards clients can be different: the DELETE command can be sent to the client or if the ADD event for the same key is not out yet, the two events are merged and nothing sent to the client.

When a DELETE command is received with isSnapshot flag set to true a warning message is logged by the server since a DELETE command is not expected as snapshot, however the command is handled:
- if the key is already present, as described above.
- esle is simply discarded.
