OK I see. So I misunderstood the message. We have clients requesting SSLv3 and the server is saying that it does not support it. We currently have not <allow_protocol> settings configured at this customer, so I gather from what you are saying is that this means the IBMi JVM does not support SSLv3. I have no idea why it isn't supported but possibly because of this: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21687173

but can we safely ignore this error anyway? If the client requests SSLv3 and it isn't supported, will it negotiate a lower level and connect anway? Is this just a slight impact on connection times?

With regard to your last question, I am unable to verify this at the customers site because I am not able to implement changes without going through a full delivery phase. Can I safely deploy the latest to change provided by Mone even though the customer has not yet upgraded to LS Server version 6 ?