The launch script has changed significantly with LS 6, for several reasons:
  1. the introduction of different ClassLoaders to separate the code into various parts;
  2. the introduction of new third-party libraries;
  3. the spreading of the third-party libraries in separate directories.

If you have replaced only the other scripts, no problem, but If you have changed it should not work because of 2 and 3.
Do you mean that you have manually modified the classpath to account for 2 and 3?
In this case it might work, but you would lose the benefits of the ClassLoader separation, with the risk of class conflicts.

In general, we expect that someone could change the launch script to add JVM command line arguments or similar customizations; in this case, the same customizations can be easily replicated to the new script.
If your case is more complex, we can help you with this merging.