03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerMonitorText |Timer-1 |Total threads = 101, Total heap = 3760193536 (free = 491165288), Sessions = 71 (max = 82), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 77 (max = 112), New connections = [+0, -0], In-pool threads = 38, Active threads = 12, Available threads = 26, Queued tasks = 130, Pool queue wait = 31, NIO write queue = 61, NIO write queue wait = 8663, NIO write selectors = 4, NIO total selectors = 32, Subscribed items = 398, Inbound throughput = 72.24 updates/s (pre-filtered = 72.24), Outbound throughput = 248.84 updates/s (115.53 kbit/s, max = 9159.48), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 1014192688, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 93, Notify delay = 0
03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 6 |Polling (941) to session: Se953ab502aa51527T2437106 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 6 |Polling (24241) to session: S6d93ae988a324ee4T5319413 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 6 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=S989df9e39abc498aT3910958&LS_op=add&LS_ table=81&LS_id=ts146&LS_mode=COMMAND&LS_schema=Tra dePrice%20TradeVolume%20TradeTime&LS_data_adapter= PROXY_MarketBeat&LS_Snapshot=true on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 3 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=S9fc7681542f5e19T3317880&LS_op=delete&L S_table1=17 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:10,314|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 3 |Controlling session: S9fc7681542f5e19T3317880 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:18,520|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |Current delay for tasks scheduled on thread pool SNAPSHOT is 16 seconds.
03-Sep-14 13:40:18,520|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |If the delay issue persists, taking a JVM full thread dump may be the best way to investigate the issue.
03-Sep-14 13:40:18,520|INFO |LightstreamerMonitorText |Timer-1 |Total threads = 102, Total heap = 3760193536 (free = 481006256), Sessions = 71 (max = 82), New sessions = [+0, -0], Connections = 78 (max = 112), New connections = [+1, -0], In-pool threads = 38, Active threads = 12, Available threads = 26, Queued tasks = 183, Pool queue wait = 214, NIO write queue = 4, NIO write queue wait = 8194, NIO write selectors = 4, NIO total selectors = 32, Subscribed items = 398, Inbound throughput = 19.62 updates/s (pre-filtered = 12.92), Outbound throughput = 367.9 updates/s (163.92 kbit/s, max = 9159.48), Lost updates = 0 (total = 0), Total bytes sent = 1014353784, Client messages throughput = 0 msgs/s (0 kbit/s, max = 0), Total messages handled = 0, Extra sleep = 89, Notify delay = 0
03-Sep-14 13:40:25,603|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=S9fc7681542f5e19T3317880&LS_op=add&LS_t able=19&LS_id=sy30&LS_mode=MERGE&LS_schema=OpenPri ce%20DailyHighPrice%20DailyLowPrice%20ClosePrice%2 0TradedVolume&LS_data_adapter=PROXY_MarketBeat&LS_ Snapshot=true on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:25,603|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Polling (70262) to session: Sddb1da9f03ac590eT4616827 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:25,603|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |Current delay for tasks scheduled on thread pool EVENTS is 15 seconds.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |If the delay issue persists, taking a JVM full thread dump may be the best way to investigate the issue.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |Current delay for tasks scheduled on thread pool SNAPSHOT is 32 seconds.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |If the delay issue persists, taking a JVM full thread dump may be the best way to investigate the issue.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |Current delay for tasks scheduled on thread pool PUMP is 15 seconds.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|WARN |LightstreamerLogger.scheduler |Timer-1 |If the delay issue persists, taking a JVM full thread dump may be the best way to investigate the issue.
03-Sep-14 13:40:34,152|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Polling (671) to session: S505844d25dd3fe2cT3245212 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:49,862|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |FOR PUMPS PARKING DESTROYER|Closed session S6d93ae988a324ee4T5319413 with internal cause code: 39 (Timeout).
03-Sep-14 13:40:49,862|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Polling (622) to session: S16dc896b1a7dfb5cT3753084 on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:49,862|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 7 |Serving request: /lightstreamer/control.txt --> LS_session=Se8b3d70b4480147aT0424792&LS_op=add&LS_ table=9&LS_id=ix1&LS_mode=MERGE&LS_schema=IndexClo se%20HighValue%20LowValue%20IndexClose%20TradedVol ume&LS_data_adapter=PROXY_MarketBeat&LS_Snapshot=t rue on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from
03-Sep-14 13:40:46,196|INFO |LightstreamerLogger.requests |SERVER POOLED THREAD 3 |Sync error: Found a closing session on "Lightstreamer HTTP Server" from

i get this problem twice now, i don't know why t happen or how to solve it