I see that the log was not taken in a real condition, as a maximum of 3 sessions were probed, with no updates.
So, it is not useful for the analysis of the previous issues.
Note that the same log setting of LightstreamerMonitorText as TRACE can be applied in your real scenario, with no need for a restart.

If you prefer to run a load test, you can also use the Java version, as the relevant part of the test is related with the update flow inside the Server, hence the client side is not involved. Our Load Test Toolkit uses its own clients and Adapters and requires that you configure them to simulate the traffic you expect in production. An implicit requirement is that you can estimate in some way the expected average behavior of your users, in terms of subscribed items and fields and the expected average activity of these items in terms of update rate and field length. Then you can simulate these items and fields.

As far as your current issues are concerned, we will switch to your new forum thread.