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  1. #1

    RoundTripDemo assistance required to increase number of items


    I have just started using LS Moderato and have successfully integrated segments of the RoundTrip Demo code into my "Second Screen" JS project for which the results have been sensational.

    My application is a broadcast-only, low demand application requiring a maximum realtime update rate of approximately one item every 20s.

    The challenge I currently face is to increase the number of subscribed items on the Static Grid from the existing five, to at least fifteen or more if possible.

    After spending time on the Forums and studying the adapter java code, I realise that I don't know enough to make the required changes.

    Please assist me in modifying the code to increase the number of items.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy
    The number of items in the roundtrip adapter is simply limited by a check in the subscribe method of the RoundTripDataAdapter class


    Releasing that check should be enough to increase the number of items. The check is made using a regular expression (see )

  3. #3
    Hello Mone,

    Thank you so much for your timely response.
    You have just confirmed that I have been on the right track because my java code modification are pretty close to your recommendations for L115.

    I now know my problem lies with compiling the class files and creating the new jar in Eclipse.

    Another question if I may, would you recommend installing LS Moderato on a Raspberry Pi that runs Raspbian with Java JDK 7 pre-installed?

    best regards,

  4. #4
    Power Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Cesano Maderno, Italy
    I don't see anything wrong in installing Lightstreamer on a raspberry pi, go on!

  5. #5

    Lightbulb RoundTripAdapter.jar problem solved

    Hello Mone,

    I have solved the problem with the archiving error by replacing the suggested path
    >jar cvf LS_roundtrip_data_adapter.jar -C tmp_classes src_data with
    >jar cvf LS_roundtrip_data_adapter.jar -C tmp_classes roundtrip_demo\adapters.
    Using the suggested options creates a jar containing only one class file.
    My path modification gets the two missing class files included and I can now increase the number of items.

    Moderato seemed to stress the Rpi CPU, so I'll uninstall and revert to a Windows implementation on a laptop.

    Thanks once again for an amazing product and great support.





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