
I am getting the following error when running some load tests on lightstreamer server.
The client (java) that i am using connects to the Lightstreamer server using HTTPS.
Basically, i am running multiple concurrent clients , and sometimes getting the following error:

com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException: Session not found
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerTranslator.c heckAnswer(PushServerTranslator.java:582)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerProxy.resync Session(PushServerProxy.java:399)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ServerManager.rebind(S erverManager.java:787)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ServerManager$SessionA ctivityManager.resumeSession(ServerManager.java:17 7)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ServerManager$SessionA ctivityManager.runSession(ServerManager.java:243)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ServerManager$SessionA ctivityManager.access$200(ServerManager.java:104)
at com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ServerManager$SessionA ctivityManager$1.run(ServerManager.java:121)

on further investigation i found out that the onDataError method of ConnectionListener (i pass in my own implementation to the client) class is getting called , with a PushServerException which has an error code of 8 . This error maps to SYNC_ERROR.
the javadoc is not very clear as to under what circumstances such an error appear.
i didnt see this error when clients connected using HTTP.
can someone shed some light as to what this error message means,.