Hi Giuseppe,

Thanks for taking the time to clarify those concepts and providing the RSS example will start studying it now. I've been stuck trying to make a DISTINCT subscription work with my DynaGrid. What I have been doing was just working on the HelloWorld tutorials provided here in the site. I've successfully modified my node.js adapter to create a connection to another remote server and send updates to all subscribers whenever the remote server sends a message. The client is still the same as the HelloWorld example that displays the messages using the MERGE mode.

Now what I wanted to do was instead of having the messages display on the div, I wanted each message to displayed as a list. From my understanding if I use MERGE this will simply replace the data-fields on my grid, which in this case was a StaticGrid.
To be able to have a list of all the messages that were past, I need to use the DISTINCT mode and a DynaGrid so that a row is dynamically added to my container when a message comes. Problem is when I start my client, no error happens but no message is displayed. If I change my subscription to MERGE the data will display but I don't get to list the messages in a list.

Here's my client code:

    <div id="ticker">      
      <div id="ticks" data-source="lightstreamer">        
        <div data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="message"></div>
        <div data-source="lightstreamer" data-field="timestap"></div>

      require(["LightstreamerClient","Subscription","DynaGrid"],function(LightstreamerClient,Subscription,DynaGrid) {
        var client = new LightstreamerClient(null,"NODE_DATAFEED");
        var ticker = new DynaGrid("ticks",true);

        var subscription = new Subscription("DISTINCT","messageData",ticker.extractFieldList());
Again if I change the mode to MERGE the div will be updated and it will work just like the HelloWorld example. Now I want to list all the messages I receive. I don't see any errors but it seems like in DISTINCT mode I'm not receiving any data. Any idea why?