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  1. #1

    Order of the events at the client: onItemUpdate, onEndOfSnapshot

    We use Vivace edition of LightStreamer.
    We use our Grid (html table) as the listener.

    We expect the following order of the events at the client:

    1) onSubscription
    2) onItemUpdate
    if (command == "ADD") {
    3) onEndOfSnapshot
    - we set scroller
    - we do another job after initial data has loaded

    We have that order when we subscibe on item for the first time.

    But when we subscribe to the same item again, LightStreamer returns data from Snapshot, without using Adapter, and we get the following order of the events:

    1) onSubscription
    2) onEndOfSnapshot
    3) onItemUpdate

    That way we can't do the initial job in onEndOfSnapshot event.

    Another question:

    When we make subsciption like this:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Group1", cellList);
    and return items:

    aftre that we make another subsciption:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Group2", cellList);
    and return items:

    When we want to push change in ItemB
    What do you suggest:

    a) for each Group where ItemB is involved
    _listener.OnEvent(Group1, update[ItemB], false);
    _listener.OnEvent(Group2, update[ItemB], false);


    b) to force subscription at Item level, rather than Group level;
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemA", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemB", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemC", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemX", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "ItemY", cellList);

    Best regards,
    Slavko Parezanin
    Last edited by Slavko Parezanin; February 5th, 2014 at 08:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Slavko,

    I confirm you that the expected behavior is always:

    1) onSubscription
    2) onItemUpdate
    3) onEndOfSnapshot

    in every case, both if it is the first subscription that force the Lightstreamer server to ask snapshot to the Adapter or that the server provides the snapshot from its cache.
    So, the behavior that you experiment is quite strange and need to be deepened. Could you send us, if you prefer through a mail to, two extracts of the log of the two separate cases after setting the server log with the following levels?

    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.subscriptions" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.pump" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="LightstreamerLogger.preprocessor" level="DEBUG"/>

    About your second question, I'm not sure I have understood correctly. However, regardless of the groups to which it belongs, on the adapter side, if you need to update the fields of an Item you just need a single update call.


  3. #3
    Thanks for response Giuseppe,
    We configured DEBUG as you recommended.
    We are going to monitor.
    It seems we had some problem with java script module pattern and subscription to LS events.

    Regarding another question.
    For example we want to know city population of Italy.
    So we subscribe:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Italy", cellList);
    and return items:

    We want population per region, so we subscribe:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Abbruzzo", cellList);
    and return items:

    When Lanciano has changes in population do we need to do:
    _listener.OnEvent("Italy", update[Lanciano], false)
    _listener.OnEvent("Abbruzzo", update[Lanciano], false)

    it is better to subscribe at city level?
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Milano", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Aquila", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Lanciano", cellList);
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Roma", cellList);

    Best regards !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Slavko,

    In your example, "Lanciano" is the same key of two different Items, "Italy" and "Abruzzo", subscribed in COMMAND mode. In this case if the value of any field of Lanciano updates you have to push the update for every Item that lists "Lanciano" in the set of own keys.

    So, in your example, the two commands

    are needed.

    But, in a case like this, you should consider the option to switch to the COMMAND mode with "two-level push". Please refer to the Portfolio Demo for a full example of implementation of "two-level push".
    In these cases, COMMAND mode is applied to stock portfolios, rather than city population of Italy, but the principle is the same (stock name <--> city name and price <--> population count). Please note that when a stock updates its price will need to send one single update to the server Lightstreamer,

    regardless of how many portfolios contain that stock.

  5. #5

    Regarding order of events we get:
    1) onSubscription
    2) onEndOfSnapshot
    3) onItemUpdate (ADD)

    After we return the initial set items in snapshot, we have a new Item that we want to listen.
    We added it by:
    _listener.Add(itemName, GetCurrentValues(true), false);

    As soon as we changed it to:
    _listener.Add(itemName, GetCurrentValues(true), true);

    everything is OK.

    Best regards,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Slavko,

    Please can you confirm that the third parameter of this method

    is the isSnapshot flag?

    If this is the case, please note that it must be set to "true" only for the updates needed to realign the current state of the Item, following a Subscribe request by the Lightstreamer server, but never after the call of the EndOfSnapshot method for that Item.


  7. #7
    Yes, third parameter is "isSnapshot".
    Let us talk about cities in the region.

    We want population of cities per region, so we subscribe:
    new Subscription("COMMAND", "Abbruzzo", cellList);

    At server we return the Snapshot

    update.Add("command", "ADD");
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Aquila, true);
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Lanciano, true);

    and we modify the items, without any problem.
    update.Add("command", "UPDATE");
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Aquila, false);

    But, when you build a new city in Abbruzzo , fer example Filetto, we did:

    update.Add("command", "ADD");
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Filetto, false);

    we get the problem with order of the events at the client.

    As soon as we changed it to:
    update.Add("command", "ADD");
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Filetto, true);

    everything is ok.

    Regards !

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Slavko,

    I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused about the behavior that you expect.

    Please, let me consider the sequence from the point of view of the client:
    1. Subscribes to the "Abbruzzo" Item in COMMAND mode;
    2. receives onSubscription event;
    3. receives onItemUpdate (ADD) events for the city of Aquila and Lanciano (isSnapshot return true);
    4. receives the onEndOfSnapshot event;
    5. receives several onItemUpdate (UPDATE) events for the changes in population count for the city of Aquila and Lanciano (isSnapshot return false);
    6. receives an onItemUpdate (ADD) event for the new city of Filetto (isSnapshot return false);
    7. receives several onItemUpdate (UPDATE) events for the changes in population count for the city of Aquila, Lanciano and Filetto (isSnapshot return false);

    Do you expect something different in the sequence above?

  9. #9
    Yes, it is expected and it is ok.
    I just wanted to show you what caused the problem of order of events at client.

    - new Subscription("COMMAND", "Abbruzzo", cellList);
    - we return Snapshot.
    - _listener.OnEndSnapshot(Abbruzzo);
    - we updates ...

    we added update.Add("command", "ADD");
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Filetto, false); // FALSE is WRONG !!!

    - we refresh the browser.
    - we get wrong order of events !

    But after we set:
    _listener.OnEvent(Abbruzzo, Filetto, true);

    everything is ok !


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Slavko,

    If this solution works in your application then it's fine.

    Maybe I did not understand how this instruction

    exactly apply in your code.

    I understood that with that statement you're pushing, from the adapter to the server, an event of command type ADD with the snapshot flag set to true; but may be that I'm wrong.
    By the way, in that case you should have a warning message like this

    "Unexpected snapshot event for COMMAND item ..."

    in the log server.



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