Hi Dario,
Could you reproduce a similar problem by starting from the StockListDemo in the distribution and performing just a few little changes?
No, I'm starting from "LS StockList Grid Demo" --> http://app.lightstreamer.com/GridDemo/ (not from StockListDemo in the distribution), and performing just a few little changes.

By the way, I finish modified from StockListDemo sample (using NonVisualTable) --> http://www.gls.com.vn:8080/priceonline/hose.html --> Thanks for your help.

After that, it always has 100% CPU when you first load the page, so I using VisualTable to performance. Here my performance version ---> http://www.gls.com.vn:8080/priceonline/test.htm --> I need your help.

Can you access my server today? Sometime, maybe my server shutdown, if u can, please contact me by skype id : tuongkha or YM nickname : tuongkha2k. I will start my server.