Hi Mone,
Thank for your help. I fixed (format value) --> http://www.gls.com.vn:8080/priceonline/test.htm
I'm not able to ping your server at the moment
Because my firewall not allow ping command.

You've commented out this code:
Yes, i'm commented this code.

Now in NonVisualTable, i have (see below):
function formatValues(item, itemUpdate)
var PriceRe=parseFloat(itemUpdate.getServerValue("ref_ price"));

// format bid1vol, bid1 price, bid2vol, bid2 price, bid3vol, bid3 price
for (var i=4;i<=9;i+=2)
if (isNaN(itemUpdate.getServerValue(i)))
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,"#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","col or");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,"bold","bold","fontWeigh t");

itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,"#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","c olor");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,"bold","bold","fontWei ght");

else if (cf(itemUpdate.getServerValue(i))==PriceRe)
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,yellowColor,yellowColor, "color");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,"bold","bold","fontWeigh t");
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,yellowColor,yellowColo r,"color");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,"bold","bold","fontWei ght");
else if (cf(itemUpdate.getServerValue(i))<PriceRe)
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,redColor,redColor,"color ");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,"bold","bold","fontWeigh t");
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,redColor,redColor,"col or");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,"bold","bold","fontWei ght");
else if (cf(itemUpdate.getServerValue(i))>PriceRe)
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,greenColor,greenColor,"c olor");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i,"bold","bold","fontWeigh t");
itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,greenColor,greenColor, "color");
//itemUpdate.setAttribute(i+1,"bold","bold","fontWei ght");
My schema :
////////////////Global var declaration
// 1. last_price, 2. time, 3. pct_change, 4. bid1, 5. bid1vol, 6. bid2, 7. bid2vol, 8. bid3, 9. bid3vol, 10.ref_price,
// 11. open_price, 12. stock_name, 13. ceiling, 14. ask1, 15. ask1vol, 16. ask2, 17. ask2vol, 18.ask3, 19. ask3vol, 20. floor,
// 21. min, 22. max, 23. lastVol, 24. lastVal, 25. price1, 26. vol1, 27. price2, 28. vol2, 29. room, 30. remainingroom,
// 31. "vnIndex", 32. "idxVol", 33. "idxVal", 34. "idxchange", 35. idxperchange,
// 36. item_status, 37. color, 38.fade, 39.image

var schema = ["last_price", "time", "_change", "bid1", "bid1vol", "bid2", "bid2vol", "bid3", "bid3vol", "ref_price", "open_price", "stock_symbol", "ceiling" , "ask1", "ask1vol", "ask2", "ask2vol", "ask3", "ask3vol", "floor", "min", "max", "lastVol", "lastVal", "price1", "vol1", "price2", "vol2", "room", "remainingroom", "vnIndex", "idxVol", "idxVal", "idxchange", "idxperchange", "item_status"];

Now in VisualTable, How do I do?

My Error (see picture below) :

Here my code :
// format _change
var newValue = itemUpdate.getFormattedValue("_change");
if (newValue != null)
var formattedVal = parseFloat(newValue);
if (formattedVal > 0)
formattedVal = "+" + formattedVal;

if ((itemUpdate.getServerValue("last_price")) == itemUpdate.getServerValue("ceiling"))
//ceiling price
formattedVal = "CE " + formattedVal;
else if ((itemUpdate.getServerValue("last_price")) == itemUpdate.getServerValue("floor"))
//floor price
formattedVal = "FL " + formattedVal;
itemUpdate.setFormattedValue("_change",formattedVa l);
} // end of if (newValue != null)