Hi emmajyu,
Yes, you are right, you should receive updates from the server in the OnUpdate() method of your implementation of IHandyTableListener (in your case RzTableListener).
Please can you confirm me that even with a minimal implementation of this method you do not get any result? You have tried something like this:
public void OnUpdate(int itemPos, string itemName, IUpdateInfo update) {
Console.WriteLine("Received update for: " + itemPos);
and do not see anything in the console?
If so, you should verify the correctness of the Subscribe executed, for example, if the names of Item or of the fields are correct, or if the subscription mode (in your case COMMAND) is allowed by the particular Item required.
In this case it would be appropriate to do a check on the server logs to verify any warning or error report. Can you have a feedback from the log of the Lightstreamer server?